Feature engineering Application

This is a feature engineering application that takes a JSON file as an input and performs feature engineering using some automated/manual methodologies. The application consists of three basic endpoints, namely:

  • healthcheck -> check the status of the application
  • feature_engineering -> Given a JSON as input produces a JSON file with identical structures with more relevant features
  • dimensionality_reduction -> Given a JSON as input produces a JSON file with identical structures were the features have been reduced using principal Component Analysis (PCA)


To run this application one needs to follow the steps below:

Step One

git clone

Have docker installed

Docker version 24.0.2

Have docker installed

docker build -t feature_eng_img .

Create a container

docker run -p 8000:8000 feature_eng_img


Acquire a relevant JSON file.\ Produce an HTTP request, for example:

feature engineering endpoint

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @cvas_data.json -o f_e_result.json

dimensionality_reduction endpoint

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" / -d @f_e_result.json -o reduced.json

healthcheck endpoint

curl -X GET