
CLI based flashcards for easy remembering practice

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


CLI based flashcards for easy remembering practice. You can use it for whatever type of domain learning you need.

Basic usage

Just run it with python main.py <flashard.json> and it will start to ask questions. As the flashcard file you can pass http:// address. Program will download it. First how to operate:

Type the name of flashcard file to open and press enter, or press enter for default (python.json):
Loaded db from docker.json
Loaded 6 flashcards
Do you want to have random questions (press any key) or go sequentially (s, S) ?
Do you want to ignore some category (default = []) ?

Then the actual questions from loaded flashcards file:

Q 4: Which command do you use to find the information about the nodes in the swarm?

A: docker node ls

The answer is displayed after pressing enter.

Flashcard file format

The flashcard file format is json, with simple structure of list, and each flashcard is dict, with three keys, "id", "question" and "answer".

Optional key is "category".

Optional key is "domc", which should be a list, storing potential answers, displayed one by one.


Simple, and therefore very adaptable. Doesn't use any non-standard python libraries - so no venv or dependencies installation needs. Uses Python 3.6+ compatible syntax. It's free :)

In harvesting/ there are sample js files, which take content from html websites to create sample file.


  • Flashcard or card - question and answer pair
  • Deck - group of cards


  • simple view (screen is cleared after every question, so there's no history view)
  • make "answer" store the potential answers, and new field "correct" would store the correct answer, which would allow for program verification
  • add metadata section to flashcard files, so information like author, license or other info could be stored
  • support .config file with options like default_cards_dir, default_session_dir
  • add ability to tag questions (better than categorization?)
  • add unit tests
  • maybe some nice curses-based screen UI, with menus for easy navigation, with defaults etc.
  • dockerize it and add API, so that it can be run on backend and controlled by some frontend
  • add frontend for quizzes, ie. 55 random questions, setting time limit, calculating score etc.


  • remember sessions locally also for decks loaded from internet
  • flag -q which skips all config questions (accepts defaults) and goes directly to quiz
  • add mode for interactively adding new questions
  • make it support DMOC type of questions (line by line rendering), when answer is in list format
  • refactor logic, add stronger typing: FlashcardDb and Flashcard classess
  • save sessions, which remember failed questions (accross restarts) and other settings
  • make it possible to download flashcard files from internet, for easy sharing
  • allow user to flag questions which he failed, and the program would return to them more often
  • change dictionary with keys, to array