
MetagenomicKG is a novel metagenomics knowledge graph that integrates commonly used taxonomic information (GTDB), functional annotations (KEGG), pathogenicity resources (BV-BRC), and other biomedical knowledge.

The associated preprint can be found at: Please cite via:

Ma, C., Liu, S., & Koslicki, D. (2024). MetagenomicKG: A Knowledge Graph for Metagenomic Applications. bioRxiv, 2024-03.


Table of contents

About Graph

MetagenomicKG integrates knowledge from 7 relevant data sources: GTDB taxonomy, NCBI taxonomy, KEGG, RTX-KG2, BV-BRC, MicroPhenoDB, and NCBI AMRFinderPlus Prediction. It consists of 14 node types and 33 edge types (see statistics in the table below).

Download pre-built MKG

We have provided the pre-built version of MetagenomicKG, you can download the file from Zenodo.

Neo4j instance

We also host a neo4j instance for MetagenomicKG: (Username:neo4j, Password:klabneo4j). If you would like to rebuild it or reproduce the use case reulsts reported in our paper, you can follow the instruction below.

Node Statistics

Node Type Node Count
Microbe 95,2191
Disease 10,3129
Phenotypic Feature 88,708
KO 26,588
Compound 19,265
Reaction 15,208
Drug 12,347
Glycan 11,225
Enzyme 8,109
AMR 5,147
Drug Group 2,458
Network 1,525
Pathway 569
Module 481

Edge Statistics

Edge Type Edge Count
genetically associated with 42,134,426
associated with 10,802,017
subclass of 1,141,279
superclass of 981,435
physically interacts with 458,541
has participant 192,830
participates in 189,781
related to 95,286
chemically similar to 56,055
biomarker for 47,698
has phenotype 30,291
treats 21,049
close match 17,389
has part 13,981
catalyzes 8,819
contraindicated for 5,158
same as 3,887
is sequence variant of 2,026
gene product of 2,026
correlated with 1,619
contributes to 286
temporally related to 252
affects 176
causes 171
has input 82
produces 27
has metabolite 23
actively involved in 21
gene associated with condition 9
disrupts 4
derives from 1
disease has basis in 1
located in 1

Virtual Environment Installation

We recommend using a virtual environment to ensure a clean and isolated workspace for reproducibility. This can be accomplished using either Conda or Mamba (a faster alternative to Conda).

Using Conda

To create your Conda environment, follow these steps:

# Clone the MetagenomicKG repository
git clone
cd MetagenomicKG

# Please note that the versioin of pytorch we used might not be compatible with your nvidia cuda version. So, please first check your version and change it in metagenomickg_env.yml if needed.
conda env create -f envs/metagenomickg_env.yml

# Download required files for the package 'pytaxonkit'
wget -c
tar -zxvf taxdump.tar.gz

mkdir -p $HOME/.taxonkit
cp names.dmp nodes.dmp delnodes.dmp merged.dmp $HOME/.taxonkit

# Activate the newly created environment
conda activate metagenomickg_env

Using Mamba

If you prefer using Mamba instead of Conda, just simply repalce conda with mamba in the above commands.

Modify config.yaml File If Needed

Before rebuilding MetagenomicKG and replicating the results of use cases, you can should modify some global variables in the config.yaml file. We listed some required variables below:


Since we utilize the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) search function via UMLS APIs for identifier mapping, you should first get a UMLS API key (please follow this instruction to get one). After that, replace UMLS_API_KEY with your API key in the config.yaml file.


MetagenomicKG includes KEGG data downloaded from KEGG FTP. According to KEGG policy, we cannot provide this dataset. To obtain this dataset, you can follow this instruction. Once you download data, you should replace the path of KEGG_FTP_DATA_DIR key in the config.yaml file.

Build MetagenomicKG

We constructed an automatic pipeline to rebuild MetagenomicKG via Snakemake. Since MetagenomicKG uses RTX-KG2, which includes UMLS data, you need to contact authors to demonstrate that you have accepted the license terms in order to get access to download KG2. We will provide you with a password so you can download the file here. Note: you do not need this file to view/interact with the MetagenomicsKG, it's just for if you want to rebuild it. Once you have access, please download and put the kg2c-tsv.tar.gz file to ./data/RTX_KG2 folder.

After downloading the RTX-KG2 TSV files is done, you can run the pipeline via:

snakemake --cores 16 -s run_buildKG_pipeline.smk targets

Once it is completed, you can find merged node and edge TSV files (KG_nodes_v6.tsv and KG_edges_v6.tsv) from ./data/merged_KG folder.

Replicate Use Case1 Hypothesis Generation and Exploration

Once you login the neo4j instance of MetagenomicKG (see login info in About Graph Section), you can use the following Neo4j Cypher Query to replicate what we show in the paper. In this query, we find at most 10 paths of protein - pathogen with name 'Staphylococcus aureus' - KO - pathway - disease - drug.

MATCH p=(n0:`biolink:Protein`)-[]-(n1:`biolink:OrganismTaxon`)-[]-(n2:`biolink:BiologicalEntity`)-[]-(n3:`biolink:Pathway`)-[]-(n4:`biolink:Disease`)-[]-(n5:`biolink:Drug`)
WHERE n1.is_pathogen = "True" and ANY (n1_names IN n1.all_names WHERE n1_names contains 'Staphylococcus aureus')

Replicate Use Case2 Sample-specific Graph Embeddings

To replicate the results of use case 2, you can simply run the Snakemake pipelie via:

snakemake --cores 16 -s run_usecase2_pipeline.smk targets

Replicate Use Case3 Pathogen Predictions

To replicate the results of use case 3, you can simply run the Snakemake pipelie via:

snakemake --cores 16 -s run_usecase3_pipeline.smk targets


If you have any questions or need help, please contact @chunyuma or @ShaopengLiu1 or @dkoslicki.