This is a test project within Alpeso's technical recruiting process.

Look at the following tasks and estimate how much time you will spend on them.

In doubt of technical issues you can send an e-mail with your questions.


Technical & Knowledge

You need at least:

  • Experience with AWS stack
  • Experience with CI/CD
  • Experience with Bash scripts
  • Experience in at least one programming language (Java, Python, PHP, Perl, etc.)
  • A text editor of your choice

The tasks

  1. We have a Terraform file. Every time Terraform runs, it says the security group in that file will be updated in place. Find a way to prevent this.

  2. You have the alpeso-test.tar.gz archive. What we can improve?

  3. Provide infrastructure and create CI/CD with a web app that will listen to 8089 port and return "ReallyNotBad" string when POST request contains header "NotBad" with value "true", eg. curl -X POST -H "NotBad: true" https://someurl:8089/ should return "ReallyNotBad". Use any technology you want to deploy the application to AWS. It can be Ansible, Terraform, etc. or a combination of some of them. Hint:

Getting started

1. Clone this repository

git clone

2. Configure environment variables

APP_ENV can be development or production. If APP_ENV is set to development, then it will show debug logs from Gin framework.

cp .env.example .env

# App
# APP_ENV development | production

# AWS Credentials

3. Create prerequisites via Cloudformation Template in AWS

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name "AppRunnerPrerequisites" --template-body file://cloudformation/prerequisites.yml --parameters ParameterKey=BucketName,ParameterValue=alpeso-s3-bucket ParameterKey=RepositoryName,ParameterValue=golang-web-application

4. Configure terraform in terraform/ directory

Use your favorite code editor to edit terraform/, terraform/, and terraform/ files.

Under file you need to change the bucket name to bucket name which you created in step 3.

Note Due to Remote TFState Backend, prerequisites must be configured! (Step 3)

5. Configure Github secrets

Create a new repository in Github and add the following secrets:

  • ECR_REPOSITORY_NAME e.g golang-web-application

5. Write some code and run the application

code .
make run

If you want to deploy to AWS, make sure your application works via Dockerfile

make build
make run-docker

6. Deploy infrastructure

make apply

7. Commit changes

git commit -a -m "feat: Added some api endpoint"
git push origin main

Comments from Author

  1. I refactored alpeso-test keycloak script and packed it as alpeso-test.tar.gz, the old one is under .bkup
  2. I have created a simple web application using Golang and Gin framework. The application listens on port 8089 and returns "ReallyNotBad" when POST request contains header "NotBad" with value "true".
  3. I have created a Cloudformation template to create prerequisites to run the terraform
  4. I have create a simple Github Actions workflow, in ideal world it should:
    • 4.1 Run terraform tests when changes pushed to feature branch
    • 4.2 Use Github environments for terraform apply
    • 4.3 If Github environments used, then folders in terraform can have different environments like terraform/environment/{test,prod}/{eu-west-1,us-east-1} etc.
    • 4.4 If github environment is production then apply should be done manually or via Git tag (if no github license)
    • 4.5 If github environment is development / QA then apply should be done automatically
  5. I cannot test the AWS App Runner terraform, cause domain is paid and I don't have any free domain to test it.
  6. I could use AWS generated domain, but even then, AWS App Runner doesn't have any free tier, so I cannot test it without costs.
  7. The AWS App Runner is one of the easiest way of deploying simple web applications to AWS