
Implementation of FEVER-OOD

Primary LanguagePython

FEVER-OOD: Free Energy Vulnerability Elimination for Robust Out-of-Distribution Detection

Implementation of FEVER-OOD: Free Energy Vulnerability Elimination for Robust Out-of-Distribution Detection by Brian Isaac-Medina, Mauricio Che, Yona F.A. Gaus, Samet Akcay and Toby Breckon. FEVER-OOD is a novel method for out-of-distribution detection that leverages free energy-based OOD detection methods, such as VOS or Dream-OOD, to eliminate the vulnerability of these methods to regions in the feature space that, while abnormal, are still labelled as in-distribution. The reduction of these regions improve such free energy-based methods. We achieve state-of-the-art results when applying FEVER-OOD to Dream-OOD using the Imagenet-100 dataset as in-distribution.


This repository is based in the VOS and Dream-OOD repositories, with some changes for compatibility between VOS and Dream-OOD, and the addition of the FEVER-OOD method. We keep the changelog in the CHANGELOG.md file.


  1. Requirements
  2. FEVER-OOD - Classification
    1. In-Distribution Datasets
    2. OOD Datasets
    3. Training
      1. VOS/FFS
      2. Dream-OOD
    4. Testing
  3. FEVER-OOD - Object Detection
    1. Datasets
    2. Training
    3. Testing
  4. Null Space Visualisation
  5. Citation


The classification and object detection models are implemented in PyTorch. To use this code, setup an environment and then:

  1. Install PyTorch and torchvision following the directions on the official website.
  2. Install the requirements using pip install -r requirements.txt.
  3. Install FrEIA. 4_Object Deteciton Only_: Install Detectron2 using the official instructions here.

FEVER-OOD - Classification

We train and evaluate VOS, FFS and Dream-OOD in the CIFAR10, CIFAR100 and Imagenet-100 datasets. The training and testing procedures are described below. All the code regarding classification is its corresponding directory. Enter the classification directory to run the classification code.

In-Distribution Datasets

All the datasets are considered to be in a directory <DATA-DIR>.

CIFAR10 and CIFAR100

Download and extract the CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 datasets from the official website and place them in <DATA-DIR>/cifarpy. The dir structure should be:



Download and extract the Imagenet-1k dataset from Kaggle and place it in <DATA-DIR>/imagenet-1k. Then create an imagenet-100 directory and run the classification/tools/create_imagenet-100.py script inside of it, pointing to the downloaded imagenet-1k dataset. The dir structure should be:


OOD Datasets

For the CIFAR experiments, we follow the same procedure for the OOD datasets as in here (we don't use the LSUN-R dataset). The datasets are placed in <DATA-DIR>/ood_datasets, with the following structure:


For the Imagenet-100 experiments, we use the same OOD datasets as in here. The dir structure should be:


For Dream-OOD experiments, we use the generated CIFAR-100 and Imagenet-100 synthetic outliers from the Dream-OOD.



Training involves the use of in-distribution data only. To train a VOS/FFS model, use the classification/train-vos.py script, with the following options:

train-vos.py [--dataset {cifar10,cifar100,imagenet-1k,imagenet-100}] [--data-root DATA_ROOT] [--model {wrn,rn34,rn50}] 
                    [--vos-start-epoch VOS_START_EPOCH] [--vos-sample-number VOS_SAMPLE_NUMBER] [--vos-select VOS_SELECT] [--vos-sample-from VOS_SAMPLE_FROM]
                    [--vos-loss-weight VOS_LOSS_WEIGHT] [--use_ffs] [--smin_loss_weight SMIN_LOSS_WEIGHT] [--use_conditioning] [--null-space-red-dim NULL_SPACE_RED_DIM] [<OTHER OPTIONS>]

Trains a Classifier with VOS/FFS for OOD Detection

optional arguments:
  --dataset {cifar10,cifar100,imagenet-1k,imagenet-100}
                        Choose between CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Imagenet-100, Imagenet-1k. (default: None)
  --data-root DATA_ROOT
                        Root for the dataset. (default: ./data)
  --model {wrn,rn34,rn50}, -m {wrn,rn34,rn50}
                        Choose architecture. (default: wrn)
  --vos-start-epoch VOS_START_EPOCH
                        Epoch to start VOS/FFS. (default: 40)
  --vos-sample-number VOS_SAMPLE_NUMBER
                        Number of samples to keep per class. (default: 1000)
  --vos-select VOS_SELECT
                        Number of least-likely samples to select from OOD samples. (default: 1)
  --vos-sample-from VOS_SAMPLE_FROM
                        Number of samplings to construct OOD samples. (default: 10000)
  --vos-loss-weight VOS_LOSS_WEIGHT
                        Weight for VOS loss. (default: 0.1)
  --use_ffs             Use FFS instead of VOS. (default: False)
  --smin_loss_weight SMIN_LOSS_WEIGHT
                        Weight for least singular value/conditioning number loss. (default: 0.0)
  --use_conditioning    Use conditioning number instead of least singular value. (default: False)
  --null-space-red-dim NULL_SPACE_RED_DIM
                        Dimensionality reduction for null space. (default: -1)

Other options are also available (please check the script for more information). For instance, to train FFS in the CIFAR-10 dataset with a Wide ResNet-40 model using a Null Space Reduction of 64 and Least Singular Value Regularizer, use the following command:

python train-vos.py --dataset cifar10 --model wrn --vos-loss-weight 0.1 --use_ffs --smin_loss_weight 0.1 --null-space-red-dim 64


Training Dream-OOD models involves using synthetic outliers generated from the in-distribution data. To train a Dream-OOD model, use the classification/train-dream-ood.py script, with the following options:

train-dream-ood.py [--dataset {cifar100,imagenet-100}] [--model {r34,r50}] 
                          [--energy_weight ENERGY_WEIGHT] [--smin_loss_weight SMIN_LOSS_WEIGHT] [--use_conditioning]
                          [--null-space-red-dim NULL_SPACE_RED_DIM] [--id-root ID_ROOT] [--ood-root OOD_ROOT] [<OTHER OPTIONS>]

Trains a Classifier with OOD Detection using Dream-OOD and FEVER-OOD

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dataset {cifar100,imagenet-100}
                        Choose CIFAR-100 and Imagenet-100 (default: None)
  --model {r34,r50}, -m {r34,r50}
                        Choose architecture. (default: r50)
  --energy_weight ENERGY_WEIGHT
                        Energy regularization weight (default: 2.5)
  --smin_loss_weight SMIN_LOSS_WEIGHT
                        Weight for least singular value/conditioning number loss. (default: 0.0)
  --use_conditioning    Use conditioning number instead of least singular value. (default: False)
  --null-space-red-dim NULL_SPACE_RED_DIM
                        Dimensionality reduction for null space. (default: -1)
  --id-root ID_ROOT     Path to CIFAR-100 in-distribution training data (default: ./data/cifarpy)
  --ood-root OOD_ROOT   Path to OOD data (default: ./data/dream-ood-cifar-outliers)

FEVER-OOD related options are similar to VOS/FFS. Therefore, to train Dream-OOD in the Imagenet-100 dataset with a ResNet-34 using a Null Space Reduction of 114 and Conditioning Number Regularizer, use the following command:

python train-dream-ood.py --dataset imagenet-100 --model r34 --energy_weight 2.5 --use_conditioning --null-space-red-dim 114 --id-root ./<DATA-DIR>/imagenet-100 --ood-root ./<DATA-DIR>/<IN-OUTLIERS-DIR>


Evaluating classification models is homogeneized for all datasets and methods. To test a model, use the classification/test.py script, with the following options:

test.py [--test_bs TEST_BS] [--num_to_avg NUM_TO_AVG] [--validate] [--use_xent] [--checkpoint CHECKPOINT] [--dataset {cifar10,cifar100,imagenet-1k,imagenet-100}] [--data-root DATA_ROOT] [--model {wrn,rn34,rn50}] [--ood-method {vos,dream-ood}] [--wrn-layers WRN_LAYERS]
               [--wrn-widen-factor WRN_WIDEN_FACTOR] [--wrn-droprate WRN_DROPRATE] [--ngpu NGPU] [--prefetch PREFETCH] [--out_as_pos] [--score SCORE] [--T T] [--noise NOISE] [--null-space-red-dim NULL_SPACE_RED_DIM]

Evaluates a CIFAR OOD Detector

optional arguments:
  --test_bs TEST_BS     Test Batch Size (default: 200)
  --num_to_avg NUM_TO_AVG
                        Average measures across num_to_avg runs. (default: 1)
  --validate, -v        Evaluate performance on validation distributions. (default: False)
  --use_xent, -x        Use cross entropy scoring instead of the MSP. (default: False)
  --checkpoint CHECKPOINT, -c CHECKPOINT
                        Checkpoint path to test. (default: None)
  --dataset {cifar10,cifar100,imagenet-1k,imagenet-100}
                        Choose between CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Imagenet-100, Imagenet-1k. (default: None)
  --data-root DATA_ROOT Data root directory (default: ./data)
  --model {wrn,rn34,rn50}, -m {wrn,rn34,rn50}
                        Choose architecture. (default: wrn)
  --ood-method {vos,dream-ood}
                        Choose OOD method. (default: vos)
  --wrn-layers WRN_LAYERS
                        total number of layers (default: 40)
  --wrn-widen-factor WRN_WIDEN_FACTOR
                        widen factor (default: 2)
  --wrn-droprate WRN_DROPRATE
                        dropout probability (default: 0.3)
  --ngpu NGPU           0 = CPU. (default: 1)
  --prefetch PREFETCH   Pre-fetching threads. (default: 2)
  --out_as_pos          OE define OOD data as positive. (default: False)
  --score SCORE {energy,Odin,M}         
                        score method. (default: energy)
  --T T                 temperature: energy|Odin (default: 1.0)
  --noise NOISE         noise for Odin (default: 0)
  --null-space-red-dim NULL_SPACE_RED_DIM 
                        Dimensionality reduction for null space. (default: -1)

For instance, to run the test script for a CIFAR-10 WideResNet model trained with VOS, use the following command:

python test.py --dataset cifar10 --model wrn --checkpoint <CHECKPOINT-PATH> --ood-method vos

To evaluate a Dream-OOD ResNet34 model with null space reduction of 114 in the Imagenet-100 dataset, use the following command:

python test.py --dataset imagenet-100 --model r34 --checkpoint <CHECKPOINT-PATH> --ood-method dream-ood --null-space-red-dim 114

FEVER-OOD - Object Detection

Object detection-related models are trained and evaluated with Detectron2, following VOS and FFS. Additionally, this repository combines both techniques into the same codebase, allowing to choose between both techniques. The main modifications are in roihead_gmm.py. Enter the detection directory to run the detection code.


We use the VOC dataset as in-distribution and test on the COCO and OpenImages datasets as OOD, with images containing overlapping VOC objects removed. Follow the VOS dataset instructions for detection.


We use the same training procedure as in VOS and FFS, with a few extra options regarding to FEVER-OOD. To train a VOC model, use the detection/train.py script, with the following options:

python train_net_gmm.py 
--dataset-dir path/to/dataset/dir
--num-gpus 1 
--config-file VOC-Detection/faster-rcnn/<MODEL>.yaml 
--random-seed 0 

Several example config files for VOS and FFS with FEVER-OOD are available in detection/configs/VOC-Detection/faster-rcnn. The related VOS and FEVER-OOD options are given by the following options:

  STARTING_ITER: 12000      # Iteration to start VOS
  SAMPLE_NUMBER: 75         # Number of samples to keep per class
  USE_FFS: True             # Use FFS instead of VOS 
  SAMPLE_FROM: 200          # Number of samplings to construct OOD samples
  RED_DIM: 768              # Dimensionality reduction for null space
  SMIN_LOSS_WEIGHT: 0.001   # Weight for least singular value/conditioning number loss
  USE_CONDITIONING: True    # Use conditioning number instead of least singular value


Testing is carried out similar to VOS. First run the model through the in-distribution dataset:

python apply_net.py 
--dataset-dir path/to/dataset/dir
--test-dataset voc_custom_val 
--config-file VOC-Detection/faster-rcnn/<MODEL>.yaml 
--inference-config Inference/standard_nms.yaml 
--random-seed 0 
--image-corruption-level 0 
--visualize 0

From here you will obtain an object detection threshold that maximizes the F1-score, which will be used for obtaining the OOD metrics.

Then run the model through the OOD dataset:

python apply_net.py
--dataset-dir path/to/dataset/dir
--test-dataset coco_ood_val 
--config-file VOC-Detection/faster-rcnn/<MODEL>..yaml 
--inference-config Inference/standard_nms.yaml 
--random-seed 0 
--image-corruption-level 0 
--visualize 0

And finally obtain the metrics using:

python voc_coco_plot.py 
--name vos 
--thres <DETECION-THR> 
--energy 1 
--seed 0

Where <DETECTION-THR> is the threshold obtained from the in-distribution dataset.

Null Space Visualisation

We provide a script to create the visualisation of the feature space for a classification model trained in the CIFAR dataset. The script is located in the classification/null_space_visualisation.py directory. The script creates the figures 5 to 8 in the paper. The script uses the following options:

null_space_visualisation.py [--test_bs TEST_BS] [--dataset {cifar10,cifar100}] [--layers LAYERS] [--widen-factor WIDEN_FACTOR] [--drop_rate DROP_RATE] [--checkpoint CHECKPOINT] [--ngpu NGPU] [--prefetch PREFETCH] [--T T] [--noise NOISE] [--model_name MODEL_NAME] [--root ROOT]
                                   [--proj_method {tsne,umap}] [--null_space_red_dim NULL_SPACE_RED_DIM]

Visualize the features of a CIFAR OOD Detector

optional arguments:
  --test_bs TEST_BS     Test Batch Size (default: 200)
  --dataset {cifar10,cifar100}, -d {cifar10,cifar100}
  --layers LAYERS       total number of layers for the WideResNet architecture (default: 40)
  --widen-factor WIDEN_FACTOR
                        widen factor for the WideResNet architecture  (default: 2)
  --drop_rate DROP_RATE
                        dropout probability for the WideResNet architecture  (default: 0.3)
  --checkpoint CHECKPOINT
                        Checkpoint path to resume / test. (default: None)
  --ngpu NGPU           0 = CPU. (default: 1)
  --prefetch PREFETCH   Pre-fetching threads. (default: 2)
  --T T                 temperature: energy|Odin (default: 1.0)
  --noise NOISE         noise for Odin (default: 0)
  --model_name MODEL_NAME
                        Name of the model. Only the WideResNet architecture is available at the moment(default: wrn)
  --root ROOT           Data root directory (default: ./data)
  --proj_method {tsne,umap}
                        Projection method for the feature space. (default: tsne)
  --null_space_red_dim NULL_SPACE_RED_DIM
                        Dimensionality reduction for null space. (default: -1)


You can cite this work as follows:

    author = {Isaac-Medina, B.K.S. and Che, M. and Gaus, Y.F.A. and Akcay, S. and Breckon, T.P.}, 
    title = {FEVER-OOD: Free Energy Vulnerability Elimination for Robust Out-of-Distribution Detection}, 
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.01596}, 
    year = {2024}, 
    month = {December}