
A simple tenzies game made with react to practice the basics such as state, useeffect and localstorage

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Tenzies is a beginner-friendly project I made for practicing that utilizes React features such as state, useEffect, and local storage. This project aims to provide a simple example of how to leverage these powerful React concepts to build a responsive web application.

To get started with Tenzies, follow these steps:

Clone the repository: Start by cloning the Tenzies repository from GitHub to your local machine.

Install dependencies: Navigate to the project's directory and run the following command to install the required dependencies:

npm install

Run the application: After the installation is complete, start the application using the following command:

npm start

Here is the netlify link to test it : https://beamish-shortbread-facec2.netlify.app image