
A private place for my conky widget

Primary LanguageShell


Conky logo

Conky is a free, light-weight system monitor for X, that displays any kind of information on your desktop.

You can find more information about conky 👉 here


The main reason for this repository is to save in one place and thus be able to share some work on the awesome personalization tool named conky

I really liked the design work provided by gvoze32 with the Mainte theme (See here). And I wanted to take this style and apply it to other widgets on my desktop.




Actually the gadgets can do :

  • Show and Monitor computer metric like fan speed, processor use etc... (Use the awesome conky theme Mainte)
  • Show local weather (Use the awesome http://wttr.in/ to show the local weather)
  • Show a little calendar
  • And much more !


For those who want to try this conky's themes, here’s a step by step how to setup guide:

1. First of all, open terminal and install conky if you don’t have it via command:

sudo pacman -S conky

you may want to install optionnal package, please refer to the table below

2. Clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/Kosteron/Conky.git

3. Copy all folder to ~/.conky (set hidden file to visible on your file manager cause the folder is hidden) or create this folder if it doesnt exist :

mkdir ~/.conky
mv Conky-master/* ~/.conky

4. Open terminal and type

cd ~/.conky/

5. Move the font to your font folder :

sudo mv ~/.conky/fonts/* /usr/share/fonts

6. You may have to change some parameters like resolution or position to match your actual linux desktop characteristics. So edit conky-rc file and change this kind of parameter for the position on your screen :

conky.config = {
gap_x = 10,
gap_y = 520,



This relatively simple tool, takes care of part of your work, it allows you to generate a launch script automatically for conky from the configuration files present in the folder conf.

bash conky-configure.sh

If you want to add a conky widget managed by this tool, you must create a folder and its associated configuration file with the same name. Actually this tool don't support complex conky widget who need multiple bash/python script to operate.

To add a description for your conky widget add a comment on the top of your conky config :

-- My description

conky.config = {
    background = false,
    font = 'Fantasque Sans Mono:size=10',

If you don't want to manage your conky-launch.sh with this tool, instead edit it manually ;)

Edit the conky-launch.sh and uncomment or comment the lines corresponding to the widgets you don't want

To automatically run when startup, just add conky-launch.sh to autostart.

Full detail

Check the following tweak column to see how to modify the widgets to suit your needs.

Name Dependencies Description Tweak
conky-calendar ncal Simple Calendar ✖️
conky-clock ✖️ Simple clock ✖️
conky-exploded-view acpi Show computer metrics ✖️
conky-computer-metrics acpi Show computer metrics ✖️
conky-fortune fortune-mod Displays fortune cookie on the desktop ✖️
conky-mini-moc-player mocp, ffmpeg Display information about the current song listened with mocp ✖️
conky-pingbeat ✖️ Simple pingbeat doc
conky-weather ✖️ Display a lot of information about weather doc
conky-xfce-workspace-indicator ✖️ Simple workspace indicator ✖️
conky-altcoin-monitor jq & awk Simple altcoin price indicator doc
conky-rss-reader conky-all Simple RSS Reader doc
conky-bluetooth-monitor bluetoothctl Simple Bluetooth Monitor doc


Many thanks to :


MIT © Kosteron