
Color normalization between images plugin for Icy using Macenko and Reinhard method.

Primary LanguageJava


It's a plugin that work with the Icy software. A bio-image analysis software made by the Pasteur Institute.

The software was made during an end-of-study internship in the Bio-Image Analysis team in order to validate my DUT in Computer Science at the IUT of Montreuil (Paris 8)

The software allows to normalize the colors from a source image to a target image. I used both Macenko and Reinhard methods.

Macenko's method :

Reinhard's method :


To use this project you first need to download Icy and have to run it from Eclipse.

So just download Icy for Eclipse

Then create a new Icy project and include all the source code. Don't forget to add Commons math and Jama .jar and EzPlug (The EzPlug jar should be in the plugings/adufour folder) to the project.

You will have to rename the packages to your developer name located on "Window->Preferences->Icy". Rename then algorithms.yourName.normalization and plugins.yourName.normalization

Then either run Icy from Eclipse and you'll find the plugin in the plugin list, or create a new .jar and add it yourself to the /plugings folder.

The plugin should appear on the Other Plugings tab


You need at least 2 images, the source and target images.

Simply open images on Icy and select them on the plugin's menu. Then select a normalization method.

The colors from the target image will be transferred to the source image. Note that this operation could take a bit of time depending on your image size.