
This is a "lootfilter" for the game "Path of Exile". It's designed with the intention to provide quick detection/evaluation of good drops, while preserving a polished visual style and filtering junk.

MIT LicenseMIT


  • Regular = The normal version. Nice balance of hidden/shown items in the endgame. Perfect for beginners and experts alike.
  • Semi-Strict = Hides several bulky/bad rares. Designed for experienced players and speedrunners. Not recommended for beginners.
  • Strict = Hides the majority of all rares in the endgame. Designed for high-magic-find characters and cull-parties.
  • Uber-Strict = Crazy filtering level. It displays only the Creme de la Creme. Hides low orbs, low maps, most rares... You've been warned.

If you want to support the the project or show your appreciation feel free to buy me a beer

NOTE: The filter itself will always be free, including updates. There will never be any premium/donator versions or options!


(coming very soon, move variations will be added over time)

Different styles have the same filtering pattern and also have the same filter versions (seen above), but use different colors.

  • Normal = The good ol' filter.
  • Slick = The normal version with less background colors (more GGG-styled). Also good for colorblind players.
  • Blue = Mostly the same, but the rare color scheme is tuned towards blue colors.

(coming very soon, move variations will be added over time)


  1. Download the latest filter from the "releases" section.

  2. Extract the files using WinRar/7zip or a similar tool.

  3. Paste the .filter files (or just the folder content) into the following folder: %userprofile%/Documents/My Games/Path of Exile

  4. INGAME: Escape -> Options -> UI -> Scroll down -> Select one of the filters from the dropdown box.

  5. Done. Enjoy.

I recommend using NotePad++ to edit the filter.

For additional details, the FAQ (read it before asking questions), previous changelogs, screenshots etc. please refer to the forum thread in the POE forum (clicky here to get there)