
In this repository are located solutions to tasks written in the Java programming language on the OOP topics. A more detailed description of the project structure and the conditions of the tasks can be found in the file README.md .

Primary LanguageJava


In this repository are located solutions to tasks written in the Java programming language on the topics of using OOP paradigm.

Names of packages with classes that solve a task have a brief description of the task to be solved. The description of the tasks to be solved can be read in the comments in the Main class, which is in each package with the tasks to be solved. Also in the file README.md.

Many of functional solutions are implemented in the java-helper library classes. A detailed description of the functional contained in the library "java-helper" and used for solving tasks can be found in the repository by the link: https://github.com/LugowoyKonstantin/java-helper.tasks-solution

If you have any questions about this repository or the solution of the tasks in it, you can contact the following contacts:

email: kostya.lugowoy@gmail.com
skype: Lugowoy Konstantin
linkedin: Konstantin Lugowoy
facebook: Konstantin Lugowoy

The package name and description of the solved task that are contained in the root package com.lugowoy.tasks :

  • calculationOfAmountOfPaintNeededToPaintRoom
    • Enter the length, width and height of the room. Calculate how much paint will go to painting the walls of this room, if there are N liters of paint per 1 m2 of wall and M% of the wall surface is occupied by windows and doors. Also, calculate the total cost of paint, taking into account that one liter of paint costs R UAH.
  • calculationOfVariousDataAboutPlanetsOfSolarSystem
    • Calculate the total mass of all the planets of the solar system. Calculate the arithmetic mean of the masses of the planets. Then - the mass of each planet in percentages, if we take as 100% the total mass of all the planets.
  • determineSuitabilityOfComponent
    • The suitability of the component is estimated by the size B, which must correspond to the interval (A - N, A + N). Calculate the number of suitable and unusable components.
  • determiningProfitableExchangeOfCurrencyInBank
    • Identify the bank from the available for the most beneficial exchange of selected currencies and amounts.
  • programForCalculatingStudentRequiredFundsForLiving
    • Monthly student stipend is N UAH, and living expenses exceed the stipend and make M UAH per month. The price increase monthly increases expenses by 3%. Make a program for calculating the amount of money that you need to ask at a time from your parents so that you can live an academic year (10 months), using only this money and a stipend.
  • writeProgramToGetNumberOfMostFrequentAnswersInQuizAndTheirPercentages
    • The radio company interviewed N radio listeners on the question: "What animal do you connect with Japan and the Japanese?" To compile a program for obtaining k of the most frequently encountered answers and their shares (in percentages).