
Sample Lambda@Edge Translator based on SAM

Primary LanguagePython

Lambda Edge Translator

Translate text files in S3 bucket on-the-fly using lambda@edge and Translate service.

Build & Deploy

Run make env to build pipenv environment, this will install all pre-requests including sam-cli.

  1. Create .env which will contain the AWS profile name for deployment:

  2. Open samconfig.toml and change s3 bucket to SAM artifact bucket:

    version = 0.1
    stack_name = "sam-lambda-edge-translator"
    s3_bucket = "<your-bucket-name-here>"
    s3_prefix = "sam-lambda-edge-translator"
    region = "us-east-1"
    capabilities = "CAPABILITY_IAM"

    Note: If you already used --guided option before, SAM may already created the artifact bucket. Look for a CloudFormation stack named aws-sam-cli-managed-default and find output value SourceBucket.

  3. Run make deploy to build SAM application and deploy it to AWS, this may take quite a while due to the CloudFront resource being created.

Test Lambda@Edge

Creat a text file hello-world.txt and upload to s3 origin bucket, then retrieve it using CloudFront url (Get CloudFront endpoint from stack output):

# original text
$ curl https://01234567890.cloudfront.net/hello-world.txt
Hello, world!

# translated text
curl  https://01234567890.cloudfront.net/lang_zh/hello-world.txt

curl  https://01234567890.cloudfront.net/lang_fr/hello-world.txt
Bonjour, le monde !