
Generating and displaying Mandelbrot set on 84x48 px LCD with PCD8544 driver using pure AVR assembly on ATmega8

Primary LanguageAssemblyMIT LicenseMIT


A small, fractal-involving project created in AVR assembly


MCU: ATmega8 with 8 MHz internal RC clock
LCD: 84x48 px screen with PCD8544 driver
Language: Pure AVR assembly
Non-integer numbers: 16-bit fixed-point, in 4.12 and 8.8 formats

Build output

Used memory blocks:
   Data      :  Start = 0x0060, End = 0x0257, Length = 0x01F8
   Code      :  Start = 0x0000, End = 0x022D, Length = 0x022E

Assembly complete with no errors.
Segment usage:
   Code      :       558 words (1116 bytes)
   Data      :       504 bytes
   EEPROM    :         0 bytes
