Test project for Junior Hiring Day in Innopolis!

This test task is written for the company Akvelon.

  1. Start this project: docker-compose up
    This command up 2 containers (web-app, db) and auto-migrate data to db, auto-create superuser, and start app
  • If you want change username/password/email superuser - change docker-compose.yml file
  • If you want autofill database (test users and test payments) use docker-compose.yml TESTDATA=1 flag
  1. Open browser and go link, this API documnetation
  • Release registration/authentication users to api:

Registration users
Get token

  1. For use any request to API, you must be authorized, to do this, you need setup header Authorization : Token {YOUR TOKEN}




Imagine you are to implement a tool for managing personal finances for money planning. You would need to build a REST API for storing user and transactions information. The user entity represents an agent who is adding transactions and contains following fields:
first name
last name
The second entity is a transaction - either income or withdrawal. Each transaction needs to have a reference to some user. The Transaction entity contains:
amount - the sum of a transaction

Functional requirements:

Ability to create / view / edit / delete information about user
Ability to create / view / edit / delete transactions information
Ability to view all user’s payments
Ability to view sum of income/outcome grouped by dates (say, an array of {“date”: “2021-05-11”, “sum”: 2543.50} jsons, so that as a user I know how much I’ve spent/received each day). Will be a plus if you also add start date and end date filter to it.
To view users, and payments you need to provide various filtering methods (by payment date, type of transaction (either income or outcome, based on the sign of amount)) and sorting (by date, by amount)



Implement a function which will return n’th number of Fibonacci sequence. The function would be called as:
fibonacci(0) = 0
fibonacci(7) = 13

Functional requirements:

In the same project which contains your solution for Task #1 create utils.py file in a convenient place (or just use existing if you already have it). Define fibonacci function in this utils file and show examples of usage.

Technology Requirements:

  • Tasks should be completed:
  • On Django or Flask Web framework (or other, like Tornado)
  • With any DBMS (PostgreSQL, MySQL)
  • With Swagger (https://swagger.io)
  • Uploaded to the GitHub
  • Using English to write comments and descriptions of classes, fields, etc


  • When implementing your solution, please make sure that the code is:
  • Well-structured
  • Contains instructions (best to be put into readme.md) about how to deploy and test it
  • Clean
  • The program you implement must be a complete program product, i.e. should be easy to install, provide for the handling of non-standard situations, be resistant to incorrect user actions, etc.

Will be a PLUS:

  • If you use Docker
  • If you use type hinting in functions’ signature
  • If solution is deployed and can be accessed publicly (for instance, on Heroku or other host)
  • If you add tests based on any testing framework (pytest, unittest, etc.)