
🍭 GithubSearchKMM - Github Repos Search - Android - iOS - Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile using Jetpack Compose, SwiftUI, FlowRedux, Coroutines Flow, Dagger Hilt, Koin Dependency Injection, shared KMP ViewModel, Clean Architecture

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


Github Repos Search - Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile using Jetpack Compose, SwiftUI, FlowRedux, Coroutines Flow, Dagger Hilt, Koin Dependency Injection, shared KMP ViewModel, Clean Architecture

Android Build CI iOS Build CI Validate Gradle Wrapper API Kotlin Hits License: MIT codecov Platform

Minimal Kotlin Multiplatform project with SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose.

  • Android (Jetpack compose)
  • iOS (SwiftUI)

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Modern Development

  • Kotlin Multiplatform
  • Jetpack Compose
  • Kotlin Coroutines & Flows
  • Dagger Hilt
  • SwiftUI
  • Koin Dependency Injection
  • FlowRedux State Management
  • Shared KMP ViewModel
  • Clean Architecture

Tech Stacks


Android (Light theme)

Android (Dark theme)

iOS (Light theme)

iOS (Dark theme)

Overall Architecture

What is shared?

  • domain: Domain models, UseCases, Repositories.
  • presentation: ViewModels, ViewState, ViewSingleEvent, ViewAction.
  • data: Repository Implementations, Remote Data Source, Local Data Source.
  • utils: Utilities, Logging Library

Unidirectional data flow - FlowRedux

RxRedux In a Nutshell

public sealed interface FlowReduxStore<Action, State> {
  public val coroutineScope: CoroutineScope

  public val stateFlow: StateFlow<State>

  /** Get streams of actions.
   * This [Flow] includes dispatched [Action]s (via [dispatch] function)
   * and [Action]s returned from [SideEffect]s.
  public val actionSharedFlow: SharedFlow<Action>

   * @return false if cannot dispatch action ([coroutineScope] was cancelled).
  public fun dispatch(action: Action): Boolean

Multiplatform ViewModel

open class GithubSearchViewModel(
  searchRepoItemsUseCase: SearchRepoItemsUseCase,
) : ViewModel() {
  private val store = viewModelScope.createFlowReduxStore(
    initialState = GithubSearchState.initial(),
    sideEffects = GithubSearchSideEffects(
      searchRepoItemsUseCase = searchRepoItemsUseCase,
    reducer = { state, action -> action.reduce(state) }
  private val eventChannel = store.actionSharedFlow
    .mapNotNull { it.toGithubSearchSingleEventOrNull() }

  fun dispatch(action: GithubSearchAction) = store.dispatch(action)
  val stateFlow: StateFlow<GithubSearchState> by store::stateFlow
  val eventFlow: Flow<GithubSearchSingleEvent> get() = eventChannel.receiveAsFlow()

Platform ViewModel


Extends GithubSearchViewModel to use Dagger Constructor Injection.

class DaggerGithubSearchViewModel @Inject constructor(searchRepoItemsUseCase: SearchRepoItemsUseCase) :


Conform to ObservableObject and use @Published property wrapper.

import Foundation
import Combine
import shared
import sharedSwift

class IOSGithubSearchViewModel: ObservableObject {
  private let vm: GithubSearchViewModel

  @Published private(set) var state: GithubSearchState
  let eventPublisher: AnyPublisher<GithubSearchSingleEventKs, Never>

  init(vm: GithubSearchViewModel) {
    self.vm = vm

    self.eventPublisher = vm.eventFlow.asNonNullPublisher()

    self.state = vm.stateFlow.typedValue()
      scope: vm.viewModelScope,
      onValue: { [weak self] in self?.state = $0 }

  func dispatch(action: GithubSearchAction) -> Bool {
    self.vm.dispatch(action: action)

  deinit {

Download APK

Building & Develop

  • Android Studio Chipmunk | 2021.2.1 (note: Java 11 is now the minimum version required).

  • XCode 13.2 or later (due to use of new Swift 5.5 concurrency APIs).

  • Clone project: git clone https://github.com/hoc081098/GithubSearchKMM.git

  • Android: open project by Android Studio and run as usual.

  • iOS

    cd GithubSearchKMM
    # generate podspec files for cocopods intergration. with integration will be generated swift files for cocoapod
    ./gradlew kSwiftsharedPodspec
    # go to ios dir
    cd iosApp
    # install pods
    pod install
    # now we can open xcworkspace and build ios project
    # or open via XCode GUI
    open iosApp.xcworkspace

    There's a Build Phase script that will do the magic. 🧞
    Cmd + B to build
    Cmd + R to run.


 Language             Files        Lines        Blank      Comment         Code
 Kotlin                  78         4422          496          373         3553
 Swift                   16          861          110           98          653
 Markdown                 1          219           43            0          176
 JSON                     5          133            0            0          133
 Bourne Shell             1          240           28          110          102
 Batch                    1           91           21            0           70
 XML                      7           73            6            0           67
 Total                  109         6039          704          581         4754