- 0
Incompatible with Kotlin 2.0
#131 opened by oxisto - 2
Paste in ki-shell is weird
#119 opened by LaurentBerger - 0
Is LF a terminator for readln ?
#117 opened by LaurentBerger - 1
Support for newer Kotlin versions?
#128 opened by oxisto - 3
Weird issue resolving dep in AS after using KI
#124 opened by fluxxion82 - 1
Ecommerce apk error
#130 opened by Divyanshu-2110 - 1
Incorrect representation of unsigned number types
#127 opened by manusaurio - 0
accept .inputrc configuration
#126 opened by smashaal - 0
Line counter mismatch
#125 opened by lenarother - 2
`kotlinc -cp foo.jar` Equivalent
#121 opened by aryeh-looker - 1
FR: Documentation for Invoking Programmatically
#122 opened by aryeh-looker - 3
Make first class support for coroutines
#66 opened by neworld - 0
FR: `:doc <symbol>` for KDoc, JavaDoc, etc.
#123 opened by aryeh-looker - 12
Ki-shell and if
#113 opened by LaurentBerger - 1
- 0
Consider adding to standard Kotlin release
#116 opened by nkiesel - 12
Weird behavior with backslash in ki-shell
#111 opened by LaurentBerger - 3
Adding maven repositories that require auth
#71 opened by eivbsmed - 3
Please add ki to nixos package
#110 opened by theaspect - 2
NPE when typing anything in `if` block
#107 opened by krzema12 - 1
Ensure we can run KI within a gradle project
#108 opened by tjerkw - 1
Explicit cast (1L as ULong) is not allowed
#114 opened by sten1ee - 6
- 0
- 11
Dependencies from Gradle/Maven
#90 opened by gregopet - 3
Consider changing name to "kshell"
#59 opened by nkiesel - 0
Error in command syntax.
#104 opened by zxcqirara - 1
How to append jar files to the script classpath
#103 opened by papdim - 1
Raises an exception with help option flag
#102 opened by binkley - 1
highlighting incorrect for if expression
#79 opened by sundeepbhatia - 2
Missing Autocompletion on enums
#87 opened by elect86 - 1
Add custom repository or local jar
#84 opened by elect86 - 16
Offer a homebrew installation option
#58 opened by kevincianfarini - 23
chocolatey/winget installation option
#77 opened by DRSchlaubi - 5
SDKMAN Installation option
#60 opened by MarioAriasC - 1
- 6
still uses Kotlin 1.4.32
#91 opened by nkiesel - 3
How to exit the interactive shell?
#81 opened by BWoodfork - 3
Illegal reflective access warning
#83 opened by elect86 - 0
compiler options support
#88 opened by elect86 - 0
Show function argument list
#86 opened by elect86 - 0
DSL friendly
#85 opened by elect86 - 2
- 0
Supply `--version` option
#73 opened by asm0dey - 4
ERROR Unable to initialize repl compiler:
#65 opened by sergey-morenets - 6
- 2
- 2
"Unable to access jarfile" under Windows
#61 opened by helmbold - 0
- 1
Doesn't resolve maven dependency
#57 opened by dodalovic