Reified T - Invalid Code Coverage
gibarrola-mdt opened this issue · 2 comments
gibarrola-mdt commented
Kover 0.8.1 and previous versions are incorrectly calculating the branch % for some reified extensions. Below is a snippet on how to reproduce the observed error:
Internal Function:
internal inline fun <reified T> sizeOf() : Int where T : Number =
Byte::class -> Byte.SIZE_BYTES
Short::class -> Short.SIZE_BYTES
Int::class -> Int.SIZE_BYTES
Long::class -> Long.SIZE_BYTES
Float::class -> Float.SIZE_BYTES
Double::class -> Double.SIZE_BYTES
else -> throw Exception("Unsupported type")
Unit Test - results in partial "Branch, %" coverage although the "Instruction, %" is 100%:
fun sizeOfTest() {
assertEquals(1, sizeOf<Byte>())
assertEquals(2, sizeOf<Short>())
assertEquals(4, sizeOf<Int>())
assertEquals(8, sizeOf<Long>())
assertEquals(4, sizeOf<Float>())
assertEquals(8, sizeOf<Double>())
assertFailsWith<Exception> {
private class InvalidNumberClass(private val number: Number): Number() {
override fun toByte() = number.toByte()
override fun toShort() = number.toShort()
override fun toInt() = number.toInt()
override fun toLong() = number.toLong()
override fun toFloat() = number.toFloat()
override fun toDouble(): Double = number.toDouble()
- Kover Gradle Plugin version: 0.8.1
- Gradle version: 8.2
- Kotlin project type: Kotlin/Multiplatform
shanshin commented
@zuevmaxim, locally reproduced