- 3
Kover CLI report generation does not reliably with --excludeAnnotation when using JAR (instead of folder) for --classfiles
#709 opened by oliviernotteghem - 3
- 2
Support for CoverageUnit METHOD
#698 opened by sLite - 5
Excluded annotated methods not ignored in Sonar
#703 opened by lawfulpepper - 7
- 0
- 6
How to generate a merge report?
#707 opened by bsarias - 2
'continue' or 'break' statements are not reported properly as invoked
#694 opened by oliviernotteghem - 2
Create separate report for each Gradle test task
#704 opened by aansari15 - 1
Coverage report is generating for a springboot + maven project, but there is an NPE
#701 opened by Ruhshan - 4
- 1
CTRF format?
#700 opened by simplekjl - 0
- 6
Difficulty excluding some generated code
#690 opened by ansman - 0
Code Coverage is calculated incorrectly
#696 opened by Catah97 - 4
Kotlinx Serialization annotation line included in the coverage report
#686 opened by saurabh-somani-philips - 4
Suspend functions break branches coverage
#691 opened by zhkvdm - 0
Support for Screenshot Tests
#695 opened by DenisBronx - 0
- 1
Differences in coverage between XML/HTML and verify
#692 opened by glureau - 3
A class is not included in the test coverage report if it is written in a separate file on one line.
#687 opened by DomainName97 - 2
Using inheritedFrom causes verify to allways pass
#675 opened by friscoMad - 2
- 5
- 7
- 1
summarization of .ic files in one
#677 opened by Mike-Wazovsky - 2
- 2
- 2
Ability to instrument only permitted classes
#673 opened by LlamaLad7 - 4
Kover agent Issue
#672 opened by Mike-Wazovsky - 1
Exclude classes by path
#676 opened by friscoMad - 5
- 0
- 0
- 1
Failing test case randomly every time for all commands in GitHub Actions
#664 opened by ds-griddynamics - 4
Is it possible to generate both xml and html report in a single gradle task?
#661 opened by artyomefimov - 2
- 1
Module is missing on coverage
#659 opened by dtruong21 - 1
Doc fix in README: say "Kover Maven Plugin" where you mean it, not "Kover Gradle Plugin"
#658 opened by binkley - 1
Maven plugin doc errors
#657 opened by klys-equinix - 2
Could not find method add() for arguments [debug] on object of type kotlinx.kover.gradle.plugin.dsl.internal.KoverVariantCreateConfigImpl.
#653 opened by DenisBronx - 10
- 0
Kover Plugin (0.8.2) Incompatible with Gradle TestKit for Functional Tests in Gradle 8.7+ and Missing Configuration in Aggregation Plugin
#651 opened by tyl3r-ch - 2
Multiplatform: Task '<module1>:koverXmlReport' uses this output of task '<module2>:desktopTest' without declaring an explicit or implicit dependency
#650 opened by realdadfish - 6
- 2
- 2
Reified T - Invalid Code Coverage
#638 opened by gibarrola-mdt - 2
- 6
- 5
XML report for the tests results
#641 opened by RomanMichailov