
Same test suite, but different instruction coverage measurements exist

hqsz opened this issue ยท 5 comments

hqsz commented

Describe the bug
Same test suite, but different instruction coverage measurements exist

Expected behavior
coverage measurements should be equal


  1. clone https://github.com/hqsz/kover-coverage-bug-240910
  2. execute koverHtmlReport with oneline : result is in build-with-oneline folder
  3. execute koverHtmlReport with multiline : result ins in build-with-multiline folder

With same test suite, but difference instruction coverage



  • Kover Gradle Plugin version: 0.8.3
  • Gradle version: 8.6
  • Kotlin project type: Kotlin/JVM
  • Coverage Toolset (if customized in build script): Kover
hqsz commented

In fact, before reporting this bug, I encountered another similar bug. Due to the company's security issues, I cannot attach entire code. So I tried to reproduce it, but failed.

The first bug discovered was as follows :

Describe the bug

  • Unexecuted instruction coverage is filled

Expected behavior

  • Unexecuted instruction must not be filled


  • Wrong behavior
val nullableVal: Something?

when (someEnum) {
  A -> { // test suite execute all branch and all instruction and it is all green(covered), also if i remove certain branch it changes to red properly
    if (nullableVal != null) {
    } else {
  B -> {
     if (nullableVal != null) {
        doSomething() // test suite only covered nullableVal equal null case, but it is marked as green(covered)

But if i add else branch it looks normal

when (someEnum) {
  A -> { ... }
  B -> {
     if (nullableVal != null) {
        doSomething() // Despite being the same test suite, this turns to red(not covered)
     } else {
        doSomething() // and this branch is marked as green(looks normal)


  • Kover Gradle Plugin version: 0.8.2 (but also 0.8.3 is same)
  • Gradle version: 7.6
  • Kotlin project type: Kotlin/JVM
  • Coverage Toolset (if customized in build script): Kover

Thanks for the reproducer!

hqsz commented

@shanshin If you need anything, please feel free to tell me ๐Ÿ˜„

I also have the following questions:

Is it a bug that the null checking inside the if statement branch is marked green even though both the true and false results are not tested? (with upper repository, it is only tested false case) I thought it should be marked in orange (or yellow).

Is it a bug that the null checking inside the if statement branch is marked green even though both the true and false results are not tested? (with upper repository, it is only tested false case) I thought it should be marked in orange (or yellow).

Yes, it should be yellow.
However, it seems that when generating a report, when several bytes of instruction code are on the same line, this is not perceived as branching (there may be confusion with Kotlin hided null-check)

hqsz commented

Thanks for answering!

If there is anything I can contribute, I am happy to do so ๐Ÿ˜ƒ