Multiplatform: Task '<module1>:koverXmlReport' uses this output of task '<module2>:desktopTest' without declaring an explicit or implicit dependency
realdadfish opened this issue · 2 comments
realdadfish commented
I'm using Kover 0.8.1 in a multiplatform multi-module environment like so:
afterEvaluate {
kover {
reports {
filters {
excludes {
verify {
rule {
The multiplatform project is configured to use a JVM ("desktop") and Android target:
fun configureMultiplatform(project: Project) {
configure<KotlinMultiplatformExtension> {
sourceSets {
val commonMain by getting
val commonTest by getting
// if the compose plugin is applied, the compiler also always requests a runtime to be present
// refactor to use accessors when they become available (
project.extensions.getByType("libs").ifPresent { libs ->
val composeBom = libs.findLibrary("").get()
val composeRuntime = libs.findLibrary("androidx.compose.runtime").get()
commonMain.dependencies {
commonTest.dependencies {
// ...
and there are library and app modules set up that depend on one another.
When then
./gradlew test koverVerify koverXmlReport
is executed, the build fails with
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.700Z] FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.700Z] * What went wrong:
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.700Z] Some problems were found with the configuration of task ':inbound-domain:koverXmlReport' (type 'KoverXmlTask').
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.700Z] - Gradle detected a problem with the following location: '/home/jenkins/workspace/droid-monorepo_inboundend_PR-296/inboundend/inbound-data/build/kover/bin-reports/desktopTest.ic'.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.700Z] Reason: Task ':inbound-domain:koverXmlReport' uses this output of task ':inbound-data:desktopTest' without declaring an explicit or implicit dependency. This can lead to incorrect results being produced, depending on what order the tasks are executed.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.700Z] Possible solutions:
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.700Z] 1. Declare task ':inbound-data:desktopTest' as an input of ':inbound-domain:koverXmlReport'.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] 2. Declare an explicit dependency on ':inbound-data:desktopTest' from ':inbound-domain:koverXmlReport' using Task#dependsOn.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] 3. Declare an explicit dependency on ':inbound-data:desktopTest' from ':inbound-domain:koverXmlReport' using Task#mustRunAfter.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] For more information, please refer to in the Gradle documentation.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] - Gradle detected a problem with the following location: '/home/jenkins/workspace/droid-monorepo_inboundend_PR-296/inboundend/inbound-data/build/generated/compose/resourceGenerator/kotlin/desktopMainResourceAccessors'.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] Reason: Task ':inbound-domain:koverXmlReport' uses this output of task ':inbound-data:generateResourceAccessorsForDesktopMain' without declaring an explicit or implicit dependency. This can lead to incorrect results being produced, depending on what order the tasks are executed.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] Possible solutions:
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] 1. Declare task ':inbound-data:generateResourceAccessorsForDesktopMain' as an input of ':inbound-domain:koverXmlReport'.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] 2. Declare an explicit dependency on ':inbound-data:generateResourceAccessorsForDesktopMain' from ':inbound-domain:koverXmlReport' using Task#dependsOn.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] 3. Declare an explicit dependency on ':inbound-data:generateResourceAccessorsForDesktopMain' from ':inbound-domain:koverXmlReport' using Task#mustRunAfter.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] For more information, please refer to in the Gradle documentation.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] - Gradle detected a problem with the following location: '/home/jenkins/workspace/droid-monorepo_inboundend_PR-296/inboundend/inbound-data/build/generated/compose/resourceGenerator/kotlin/commonResClass'.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] Reason: Task ':inbound-domain:koverXmlReport' uses this output of task ':inbound-data:generateComposeResClass' without declaring an explicit or implicit dependency. This can lead to incorrect results being produced, depending on what order the tasks are executed.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] Possible solutions:
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] 1. Declare task ':inbound-data:generateComposeResClass' as an input of ':inbound-domain:koverXmlReport'.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] 2. Declare an explicit dependency on ':inbound-data:generateComposeResClass' from ':inbound-domain:koverXmlReport' using Task#dependsOn.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] 3. Declare an explicit dependency on ':inbound-data:generateComposeResClass' from ':inbound-domain:koverXmlReport' using Task#mustRunAfter.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] For more information, please refer to in the Gradle documentation.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] - Gradle detected a problem with the following location: '/home/jenkins/workspace/droid-monorepo_inboundend_PR-296/inboundend/inbound-data/build/generated/compose/resourceGenerator/kotlin/commonMainResourceAccessors'.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] Reason: Task ':inbound-domain:koverXmlReport' uses this output of task ':inbound-data:generateResourceAccessorsForCommonMain' without declaring an explicit or implicit dependency. This can lead to incorrect results being produced, depending on what order the tasks are executed.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] Possible solutions:
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] 1. Declare task ':inbound-data:generateResourceAccessorsForCommonMain' as an input of ':inbound-domain:koverXmlReport'.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] 2. Declare an explicit dependency on ':inbound-data:generateResourceAccessorsForCommonMain' from ':inbound-domain:koverXmlReport' using Task#dependsOn.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] 3. Declare an explicit dependency on ':inbound-data:generateResourceAccessorsForCommonMain' from ':inbound-domain:koverXmlReport' using Task#mustRunAfter.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] For more information, please refer to in the Gradle documentation.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] * Try:
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] > Run with --scan to get full insights.
[2024-07-03T12:43:05.701Z] > Get more help at
realdadfish commented
Yes, indeed, 0.8.2 fixed it. Thanks for the quick response and sorry for the duplicate!