
Shortest path from a given vertex to another within a graph

Primary LanguageC++


Shortest path from a given vertex to another within a graph

It supports any form of communication

Dijkstra algorithm c++

  1. The software can be executed using a file containing the vertices and adjacent vertices(edges) both one and two way allowed. The acceptable file standard is:


v is a vertex and e represent the edges. Note: Very edge should be defined as a vertex too. An vertex can be without an edge.

  1. The software can be executed by directly setting the vertices and edges using the overloaded insert() method.

     insert(v) insert(v,e1) insert(v,e2) .... insert(v,en);

Note: Very edge should be defined as a vertex too. An vertex can be without an edge.

I have provided two test files

			testGraphUsingFile.cpp and testGraphDirectly.cpp for 1 & 2 respectively.

Linux users, running the make file will create both test CPP files.

make runTestFile  ---------- for 1 #test using file

make runTest     ----------- for 2 #test directly

Sample file in Graphs/Graph/graphTestFiles/sample.txt represents : img_20190105_033419


Suggestions comments and critisms are welcomed.


Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University

Software Engineering

Class 2
