
ein Maven-Plugin mit dem man aus JMeter *.jtl Dateien Graphen zeichnen lassen kann

Primary LanguageJava


A maven plugin to create nice graphs (using the JMeter Plugins CMDRunner) from JMeter result files (*.jtl).

See https://blog.codecentric.de/2013/12/jmeter-tests-mit-maven-und-jenkins-automatisieren/ for more information.

For a full example, take a look at the jmeter-maven-example project.


Just include the plugin in your pom.xml and execute mvn jmeter-graph:create-graph.

  <!-- ... -->
            <!-- ... you can declare more <graph>-elements here -->

You can also bind the graph-generation to a maven-phase, e.g. verify:

  <!-- ... -->
                <!-- ... you can declare more <graph>-elements here -->