
A Coding Factory @ AUEB - SQL Project. - Final Project - Camping Database

Primary LanguageTSQL


Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB)

A Coding Factory @ AUEB SQL Project. Final Project

Project info

  • Use of Microsoft SQL Server
  • Campings Database Managment CAMPDW.
  • Read the pre-project requirements for implementation here.
  • Read my complete final project here.

Steps Briefing (Microsoft SQL Server)

  1. database-bulk.insert.sql
    • creation of database
    • creation of table campData
    • Bulk insertion data from campData.txt given database file
  2. normalization-database.creation.sql
    • Normalization (3d Normal Form)
    • creation of relational database
  3. insert-data-into-tables.sql
    • Selection of Data from campData and insertion into tables
  4. select-queries-and-optimization.sql
    • Several Select Queries testing
    • Index creation for queries optimization
  5. fact-table-creation-StarSchema.sql
    • Fact Table creation (Star Schema)
    • Data insertion into Fact Table
  6. fact-table-queries.sql
    • Several Queries execution
    • Rollup Report creation
    • CUBE Report creation
  7. PowerBi report (included in complete final project link)

A second look (MySQL Server)

  • Transition of this database from Microsoft SQL server to MySQL Server for the needs of campings-backend repository.
  • Alterations for MySQL Server and full creation query can be found here : camping-database-MySQL.sql

Database Diagram

Database Diagram

Fact Table

Fact Table