Boilerplate code for REST API, that can be implemented in various projects.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Boilerplate for REST API, that can be used as a starting point for various projects based on REST APIs with users related functions already implemented.

Technological Stack

The code is based on Node.js, Express and MongoDB. In terms of testing there is also Mocha framework inital configuration added.


  • bcrypt
  • chai
  • dotenv
  • express
  • jsonwebtoken
  • mocha
  • mongo-sanitize
  • mongoose
  • supertest


  1. Install it globally with command npm i create-nem-api -g
  2. Create new project with command npx create-nem-api <nameofyourapp>

API Routes

Users routes can be found here

Source Code

Source code can be found here


  1. After cloning the repository install dependencies with the command npm install / yarn install
  2. Create .env file in the main directory
  3. Create MongoDB cluster and database.
  4. Add your database address to the .env file as MONGO_URI=<yourDBaddress>
  5. Add test database address to the .env file as MONGO_URI_TEST=<yourDBaddress>
  6. Add SendInBlue API key to the .env file as SI_APIKEY=<yourSendInBlueAPIaddress>
  7. Add SendInBlue email address to the .env file as SI_EMAIL=<yourSendInBlueEmailAddress>
  8. Add SendInBlue SMTP Endpoint, port, and sender addresses as
  1. Add JWT secret key (it's up to your personal choice) to the .env file as JWT_SECRET=<yourJWTsecretKey>
  2. Type in npm start to run the server