Cogs for v2 Red-DiscordBot by Twentysix26. v3 cogs can be found on the v3 branch of this repo, including a link for the v3 Lavalink music cog.
autoeconomy - New users that join the server will be automatically given a bank account.
away - By Paddolicious#8880. Set and unset a user as being "away".
cah - Cards Against Humanity. A port of CorpBot's module:
chatchart - Generates a pie chart to display chat activity over the last 5000 messages. Requested by violetnyte.
forwarding - Forwards DMs sent to the bot to the owner of the bot. A port of the forwarding module from:
hunting - By Paddolicious#8880. It hunts birds... and things that fly.
imgwelcome - Welcome users to your server with a customized image.
modclean - Clean the last 100 entries in the mod-log of Discord invite names.
otherbot - Have multiple Red instances and want to know when one goes offline? Edit this cog and load it on your watcher bot.
post - Upload a saved audio playlist to the chat channel, or upload a cog. Owner only.
pug - Warcraft pug checker. A port of PugBot's module:
radio - A hidden unpublished gem from Paddo, with a couple edits. Plays http audio streams like icecast and mp3 streams.
riot - an old Fredboat command, requested by Mewleficent.
seen - By Paddolicious#8880. Check when the user was last active on a server.
serverlimit - Limit the bot to joining servers with over 25 members.
wolfram - Paddolicious#8880's old wolfram cog.
The chatterbot cog that was previously on this repo has been removed in favor of:
Q: Why do you have some of Paddo's cogs on your repo? A: He recently made an announcement about finding a new home for a few cogs. I've picked up a couple and I welcome PRs or feature requests. I'm also intending to port these for Red v3 as I can.
Feel free to join the server for these cogs if you'd like.