
A handy tool helps you to deal with new words.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

A handy tool helps you to deal with new words.

Usage: node wordtool.js

  --with-index, -i            Give each word an index number.
      [boolean]  [default: true]

  --strip-comments, -c        Strip away comments after #.
      [boolean]  [default: false]

  --shuffle-words, -s         Output words into random order.
       [boolean]  [default: false]

  --with-definition, -d       Search iciba and append definition after each
 word.  [boolean]  [default: false]

  --separated-definition, -p  Put definitions into a individual file
       [boolean]  [default: false]

  --help, -h                  Print out this help.
       [boolean]  [default: false]

  --output, -o                Specify the output file.
       [default: "/"]

  --inputdir, -e              Specify where to search for input file.
       [default: "./"]

  --debug, -b                 Enable verbose output
       [boolean]  [default: false]