Uzum Drawing Game is a draw and guess game to play with your friends
- Typescript
- Nest.JS
- Prisma.JS
- PostgreSQL
- Websockets
yarn install
yarn prisma migrate deploy
yarn prisma generate
yarn start:dev
- Add authentication
- Add swagger
- Add error handling
- Add multiple rooms websocket handling
- Add unit tests
- TypeScript
- React.JS
- React Canvas Draw
yarn install
yarn start
- There must be a kubernetes cluster running If you are using minikube:
minikube start
Then run in the root folder:
tilt up
- Migrate to Ant Design
- Update text inputs to use antd
- Add auth wrapper provider
- Update canvas drawing component to use another package
- Update cards componentes to use colors from the previous layout
- Add Light/Dark Theme
- Add token auth handler
- Add ptBR/enUS translation
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Tilt
- Docker Compose
- Update backend dockerfile to run with tilt
- Add postgres into a kubernetes file
- Run everything with tilt
- Deploy application
- Buy a domain