
Application for recruitment process purpose

Primary LanguageRuby


This application will let you manage your daily tasks. You can create new tasks and search for existing tasks using filtering. TaskApp works with multiple users. Each user has their own tasks.


Install required tools:

  • ruby (use rbenv or rvm). Proper version is defined in .ruby-version file.

Run following commands:

  • bundler install to install all required gems
  • rails db:create db:migrate to create database and run all migrations
  • rails db:seed to seed database with default data


Run command rails server and you are ready to go. Visit website http://localhost:3000 and sign in as test@test.pl user with qwe123 password.

Your tasks

  1. Add possibility to sort tasks. Clicking on "Title" and "Priority" labels should sort tasks by corresponding attribute. Second click should reverse order.
  2. TasksController#index method is a little bit messy. Refactor it to make it more readable. Beside readability do you see any other problems with its code? Could you fix them too?
  3. Some user reported that there is a security vulnerability in the app. Somehow an user can create a task as another user and we have no idea how is it possible because we already call before_action :authenticate_user! in TasksController. Can you find the problem and fix it?
  4. Code is untested. Add RSpec to the project and write specs which covers changes you have made in previous tasks.

After you finish send us entire code in zip/gzip file.