
Labs for local searches impl

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Local Search Comparison

Lab for local searches impl

Repeated local search

  1. randomly choose starting point;
  2. if condition met, save solution and rerun from step 1.

Iterated Local Search

  1. start with random solution.
  2. while condition not met:
    1. find best local solution;
    2. perturb best local solution;

Guided Local Search

  1. build initial Solution with shuffle;
  2. initialize Penalties;
  3. while condition not met:
    1. calculate augmented objective function as: h = f(x) + \lambda * \sum p_i * I_i;
      where h is augmented function, f(x) - cost function, \lambda - metaheuristic parameter, p_i - penalty for i-feature, I_i - indicator, if i-feature exists or not.
    2. run local search, based on previous solution;
    3. calculate utility for each feature as: util_i = I_i * c_i / (1 + p_i);
      where c_i - cost of feature i in objective function.
    4. increase penalty for feature with maximum utility;

Note: we assume, that feature i means, that at place i we put i factory. So it's cost might be calculated as follows:
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { costOfFeatureI += p.distance[i][j] * p.flow[location[i]][location[j]]; }

Final Table

Tai20a 703482 773936 760740 757400
Tai40a 3139370 3559148 3521372 3386346
Tai60a 7205962 8219922 8167046 7805588
Tai80a 13499184 15145328 15206250 14475326
Tai100a 21052466 23471174 23481320 22414046

BKV was taken from here