Interview Exercise for Agile QA role

Clone this repo in your private git space. Once done, please add github username: shilpa-sethi as a collaborator/ reviewer. While submitting please ensure to add a README explaining how to run the test and all related info.

Testing Task

Product Owner wants a feature as described below. The developer has added the code and share with you as a QA for review/ testing.


As a user I want to be able to add a list of strings. I want to see the number of vowels in each of the strings that I have entered.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. I should see the number of vowels and consonant for each string in the order they are keyed in.
  2. I should be able to add up to 4 strings at once.

Your Tasks - What we expect you to do

  1. Review the user story and prepare a list of questions/ assumptions.
  2. Review the code and provide feedback/ improvements.
  3. Extend the program to return the number of consonants for each string array passed.
  4. Use BDD/ Cucumber to add test cases to test the program for both vowels and consonants.
  5. Report any bugs you find. Include as much information as necessary and add the feedback as a file to the repo along with the Cucumber Test Report.

Bonus points if you can add failing test cases for the bugs you find.

Implementation Details

The developer created a VowelCounter class that has all the logic inside it. The goal is to be able to test this class and ensure the expected behaviour.

Evaluation Points

  1. Use of Git.
  2. Use of BDD/TDD/Cucumber.
  3. Code Review skills.
  4. Coding skills.
  5. Test Case Coverage.

Time limits

There are no hard time limits. We suggest not to spend more than ~2 hours.