
Elixir library to read and write data of Google Spreadsheets.

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

Elixir Google Spreadsheets

Elixir library to read and write data of Google Spreadsheets.

This library is based on Google Cloud API v4 and uses Google Service Accounts to manage it's content.


  1. Use this wizard to create or select a project in the Google Developers Console and automatically turn on the API. Click Continue, then Go to credentials.
  2. On the Add credentials to your project page, create Service account key.
  3. Select your project name as service account and JSON as key format, download the created key and rename it to service_account.json.
  4. Press Manage service accounts on a credential page, copy your Service Account Identifier: [projectname]@[domain].iam.gserviceaccount.com
  5. Create or open existing Google Spreadsheet document on your Google Drive and add Service Account Identifier as user invited in spreadsheet's Collaboration Settings.
  6. Add {:elixir_google_spreadsheets, "~> 0.1.4"} to mix.exs under deps function, add :elixir_google_spreadsheets in your application list.
  7. Add service_account.json in your config.exs or other config file, like dev.exs or prod.secret.exs. config :goth, json: "./config/service_account.json" |> File.read!
  8. Run mix deps.get && mix deps.compile.

OTP 20

Currently (01.07.2017) there is an issue in OTP 20, because :crypto.mpint/1 was moved to another module and it's used in :goth dependency :json_web_token, you can use this temporary hack as a resolution, by adding this in your deps: {:json_web_token, git: "https://github.com/starbuildr/json_web_token_ex.git", override: true}


Initialise spreadsheet thread with it's id which you can fetch from URL:

`{:ok, pid} = GSS.Spreadsheet.Supervisor.spreadsheet("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXX")`

Or if you wish to edit only a specific list:

`{:ok, pid} = GSS.Spreadsheet.Supervisor.spreadsheet("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXX", list_name: "my_list3")`

Sample operations:

  • GSS.Spreadsheet.id(pid)
  • GSS.Spreadsheet.rows(pid)
  • GSS.Spreadsheet.read_row(pid, 1, column_to: 5)
  • GSS.Spreadsheet.read_rows(pid, 1, 10, column_to: 5, pad_empty: true)
  • GSS.Spreadsheet.read_rows(pid, [1, 3, 5], column_to: 5, pad_empty: true)
  • GSS.Spreadsheet.read_rows(pid, ["A1:E1", "A2:E2"])
  • GSS.Spreadsheet.write_row(pid, 1, ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"])
  • GSS.Spreadsheet.write_rows(pid, ["A2:E2", "A3:F3"], [["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"], ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"]])
  • GSS.Spreadsheet.append_row(pid, 1, ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"])
  • GSS.Spreadsheet.clear_row(pid, 1)
  • GSS.Spreadsheet.clear_rows(pid, 1, 10)
  • GSS.Spreadsheet.clear_rows(pid, ["A1:E1", "A2:E2"])

Last function param of GSS.Spreadsheet function calls support the same Keyword options (in snake_case instead of camelCase), as defined in Google API Docs.

We also define column_from and column_to Keyword options which control range of cell which will be queried.

Default values:

  • column_from = 1
  • column_to = 26
  • major_dimension = "ROWS"
  • value_render_option = "FORMATTED_VALUE"
  • datetime_render_option = "FORMATTED_STRING"
  • value_render_option = "USER_ENTERED"
  • insert_data_option = "INSERT_ROWS"


  • Max columns 26, max rows 1000;
  • This library is in it's early beta, use on your own risk. Pull requests / reports / feedback are welcome.