
Elixir library for working with Money safer, easier, and fun... Is an interpretation of the Fowler's Money pattern in fun.prog.

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


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Elixir library for working with Money safer, easier, and fun, is an interpretation of the Fowler's Money pattern in fun.prog.

"If I had a dime for every time I've seen someone use FLOAT to store currency, I'd have $999.997634" -- Bill Karwin

In short: You shouldn't represent monetary values by a float. Wherever you need to represent money, use Money.


five_eur         = Money.new(500, :EUR)             # %Money{amount: 500, currency: :EUR}
ten_eur          = Money.add(five_eur, five_eur)    # %Money{amount: 10_00, currency: :EUR}
hundred_eur      = Money.multiply(ten_eur, 10)      # %Money{amount: 100_00, currency: :EUR}
ninety_nine_eur  = Money.subtract(hundred_eur, 1)   # %Money{amount: 99_00, currency: :EUR}
shares           = Money.divide(ninety_nine_eur, 2)
[%Money{amount: 50, currency: :EUR}, %Money{amount: 49, currency: :EUR}]

Money.equals?(five_eur, Money.new(500, :EUR)) # true
Money.zero?(five_eur);                        # false
Money.positive?(five_eur);                    # true

Money.Currency.symbol(:USD)                   # $
Money.Currency.symbol(Money.new(500, :AFN))   # ؋
Money.Currency.name(Money.new(500, :AFN))     # Afghani

Money.to_string(Money.new(500, :CNY))         # ¥ 5.00
Money.to_string(Money.new(1_234_56, :EUR), separator: ".", delimeter: ",", symbol: false)
Money.to_string(Money.new(1_234_56, :USD), fractional_unit: false)  # "$1,234"


# Sigils for Money
import Money.Sigils

iex> ~M[1000]USD
%Money{amount: 1000, currency: :USD}

# If you have a default currency configured (e.g. to GBP), you can do
iex> ~M[1000]
%Money{amount: 1000, currency: :GBP}


# Currency convenience methods
import Money.Currency, only: [usd: 1, eur: 1, afn: 1]

iex> usd(100_00)
%Money{amount: 10000, currency: :USD}
iex> eur(100_00)
%Money{amount: 10000, currency: :EUR}
iex> afn(100_00)
%Money{amount: 10000, currency: :AFN}

Money.Currency.symbol(:USD)     # $
Money.Currency.symbol(afn(500)) # ؋
Money.Currency.name(afn(500))   # Afghani
Money.Currency.get(:AFN)        # %{name: "Afghani", symbol: "؋"}


Bring Money to your Ecto project. The underlying database type is integer

# migration
create table(:my_table) do
  add :amount, :integer

# model/schema
schema "my_table" do
  field :amount, Money.Ecto.Type


Bring Money to your Phoenix project. If you are using Phoenix, you can include money objects directly into your output and they will be correctly escaped.

<b><%= Money.new(12345,67, :GBP) %></b>


Money comes with no required dependencies.

Add the following to your mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:money, "~> 1.2.1"}]

then run mix deps.get.


You can set a default currency and default formatting preferences as follows:

config :money,
  default_currency: :EUR,
  separator: ".",
  delimeter: ",",
  symbol: false,
  symbol_on_right: false,
  symbol_space: false

Then you don’t have to specify the currency.

iex> amount = Money.new(1_234_50)
%Money{amount: 123450, currency: :EUR}
iex> to_string(amount)

Here is another example of formatting money:

iex> amount = Money.new(1_234_50)
%Money{amount: 123450, currency: :EUR}
iex> Money.to_string(amount, symbol: true, symbol_on_right: true, symbol_space: true)
"1.234,50 €"


MIT License please see the LICENSE file.