
JavaScript color picker

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Aquamarine is a customizable JavaScript color picker plugin that supports HSV / HSB color model


HSV / HSB color model

HSL color model

RGB color model

HSV / HSB and RGB color models


Aquamarine uses Tinycolor for color conversion


Just include it in the page in a script tag along with Tinycolor

<script type='text/javascript' src='tinycolor.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='aquamarine.js'></script>



var colorpicker = new Aquamarine() // Initialize new instance. If no arguments passed, default color will be #2CE7C5
var colorpicker = new Aquamarine("#EA394F")
var colorpicker = new Aquamarine("#fff")
var colorpicker = new Aquamarine("royalblue")
var colorpicker = new Aquamarine("rgb(242, 231, 31)")
var colorpicker = new Aquamarine("hsl(210, 100%, 45%)")
var colorpicker = new Aquamarine("hsv(20, 75%, 100%)")

Set and get color

color method accepts any legal CSS color values, plus HSV colors

var colorpicker = new Aquamarine()

colorpicker.color("indigo") // Set color to "indigo"

colorpicker.color("hsv(240, 75%, 100%)") // Set color to "hsv(240, 75%, 100%)"

colorpicker.color("rgb(255, 105, 180)") // Set color to "rgb(255, 105, 180)"

colorpicker.color() // "rgb(255, 105, 180)"

colorpicker.hex // "#ff69b4"

colorpicker.rgb // "rgb(255, 105, 180)"

colorpicker.hsl // "hsl(330, 100%, 71%)"

colorpicker.hsv // "hsv(330, 59%, 100%)"


Script looks for elements with data-aquamarine attribute and matches value of the attribute with color model parameter. You should use this attribute on type="range" and type="text" inputs.

<!-- Example hex text input -->
<input type="text" data-aquamarine="hex" autocomplete="off">

<!-- Example red in RGB color model text input -->
<input type="text" data-aquamarine="rgb-r" autocomplete="off" min="0" max="255">

<!-- Example green in RGB color model text input -->
<input type="text" data-aquamarine="rgb-g" autocomplete="off" min="0" max="255">

<!-- Example blue in RGB color model text input -->
<input type="text" data-aquamarine="rgb-b" autocomplete="off" min="0" max="255">

<!-- Example hue in HSV / HSB color model range input -->
<input type="range" data-aquamarine="hsv-h" min="0" max="360">

<!-- Example saturation in HSV / HSB color model range input -->
<input type="range" data-aquamarine="hsv-s" min="0" max="100">

<!-- Example brightness in HSV / HSB color model range input -->
<input type="range" data-aquamarine="hsv-v" min="0" max="100">

Set data-aquamarine attribute to one of following values:

hex, rgb-r, rgb-g, rgb-b, hsl-h, hsl-s, hsl-l, hsv-h, hsv-s, hsv-v

Don't forget to set min and max attributes on type="text" and type="range" inputs

Range input tracks

Notice that range input tracks respond to color change in the demos. To get this effect, use a separate HTML element for input tracks:

<!-- Example brightness track in HSV / HSB color model range input -->
<div data-aquamarine="track-hsv-v"></div>

Script will set element's background-image as color changes.

Set data-aquamarine attribute to one of following values:

track-rgb-r, track-rgb-g, track-rgb-b, track-hsl-h, track-hsl-s, track-hsl-l, track-hsv-h, track-hsv-s, track-hsv-v

Inspect the demos to get a better feel of how to style the range inputs.


Alpha channels will be supported in future

Browser support

Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE10+