Finding grad schools that fit your interests can be a daunting task. Rather than making a ranking of the 'best' grad schools using some subjective metric, we decided to list out grad schools with professors studying PL that are open to take new students.
Feel free to make a PR adding other schools/faculty/topics to the list. Or remove them if the PL faculty are no longer there. We want this to be a living list of active PL schools for new students/postdocs/etc.
- Topics
- Logic
- Type Theory
- Language base security
- Formal verification
- Model checking
- Faculty
- Topics
Australian National University
- Topics
- Program verification
- Security
- Logic for computer science
- Memory management
- Language runtimes
- Faculty
- Topics
- Topics
- PL applied to education
- Metaprogramming
- Programming environments
- Tested semantics
- Applied model theory
- Faculty
- Topics
POP @ Carnegie Mellon University
- Topics
- Logic
- Type Theory
- Functional programming
- Faculty
- Topics
- Topics
- Architecture / Heterogeneous Computing
- Networking
- Constructive Type Theory (NuPRL)
- Typed Assembly Languages
- Kleene Algebra with Tests
- Information Flow Control systems
- Security
- Privacy aware programming Languages
- Distributed Computing
- Faculty
- Topics
- Topics
- Gradual Typing
- Topics
Computer Software Group @ Kyoto University
- Topics
- Object-oriented programming
- Gradual typing
- Automated program verification
- Faculty
- Topics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Topics
- DeepSpec
- Program synthesis
- Software engineering
- Topics
- Topics
- Dependently typed programming
- Typed functional programming
- DSLs for many purposes
- Languages for programming mathematics
- Software Engineering
- Faculty
- Topics
POEM @ North Carolina State University
- Topics
- Logic programming
- Typed functional programming
- Logical frameworks/dependent type systems
- Substructural and modal logics
- Structure editors
- Applied language design for interactive virtual agents, virtual worlds, simulation, and procedural content generation
- Faculty
- Topics
- Topics
- Gradual Typing
- Verified Compilation
- Language Oriented Programming
- Concurrent Programming Models
- Faculty
- Topics
- Topics
- DeepSpec
- Verified Compilers
- Networking
- Program Analysis
- Formal Verification
- Faculty
- Topics
- Topics
- Language Design
- Program Synthesis
- Compiler Implementation
- Systems
- Formal Verification
- Faculty
- Topics
- Topics
- Applied PL
- Software Engineering
- Systems
- Faculty
- Topics
- Topics
- Scalable Program Analysis
- Security Analysis Tools
- Energy-Efficient Software Systems
- Just-In-Time Compilers
- Applications of Symbolic Execution in Machine Learning
- Type Systems
- Faculty
- Topics
University of British Columbia
- Topics
- Gradual Typing
- Multi-stage Programming
- Typestate-oriented programming
- Verified Compilation
- Dependent Types
- Aspect-oriented programming
- Programming Language MOOCs
- Faculty
- Topics
- Topics
- First-order Theorem Proving
- Model Checking and Verification
- Programming Languages Theory
- Privacy
- Proof Checking
- Satisfiability Modulo Theories
- Security
- Verified Programming
- Faculty
- Topics
- Topics
- Logical Frameworks
- Higher-order Abstract Syntax
- Faculty
- Topics
- Topics
- Type systems
- Gradual typing
- Incremental computation
- Faculty
- Topics
Tohoku University
- Topics
- Functional programming languages
- Bidirectional Programming
- Partial evaluation
- Program verification
- Faculty
- Topics
- Topics
- Domain specific languages
- Program synthesis
- Functional programming
- Type systems
- Security
- Garbage collection
- Static analysis
- Faculty
- Topics
Theory Group @ University of Birmingham
- Topics
- Topology and domain theory
- Homotopy type theory and constructive mathematics
- Semantics of effects
- Higher category theory
- String diagrams and graphical calculi
- Quantum computation
- Proof theory and computational complexity
- Topics
University of California, Santa Cruz
- Topics
- Language support for distributed and decentralized systems
- Language-based security; information flow
- Concurrency
- Faculty
- Owen Arden
- Cormac Flanagan
- Lindsey Kuper
- Tyler Sorensen (starting fall '20)
- Topics
LFCS @ University of Edinburgh
- Topics
- Logic
- Type Theory
- Topics
PL Group @ University of Hong Kong
- Topics
- Type systems
- Functional programming
- Object-oriented programming
- Faculty
- Topics
PLAS @ University of Kent (Programming Languages and Systems)
- Topics
- Logic and Type theory
- Semantics
- Verification
- Programming language design
- Compilation
- Runtime systems
- Faculty
- 16 faculty members, see website.
- Topics
- Topics
- Logic
- Type Theory
- Topics
- Topics
- Functional programming
- Probabilistic programming
- Program analysis
- Quantum computing
- Security
- Testing
- Type systems
- Verification
- Faculty
- Topics
- Topics
MSP @ University of Strathclyde
- Topics
- Logic
- Type Theory
- Topics
- Topics
- Privacy
- Program Analysis
- Security
- Type Systems
- Verification
- Faculty
- Topics
PLSE @ University of Washington
- Topics
- Applied PL
- Topics
- Topics
- Type Systems
- Program Analysis
- Concurrency
- Faculty
- Topics
- Topics
- Topics
- Security
- Distributed Systems
- Compilers
- Verification
- Program synthesis
- Program Analysis
- Faculty
- Topics