Wall-3 - the go-to page in the web3 world

Wall3 – the go-to page in the web3 world.

Whenever a newcomer wants to learn about web3 they quickly realize that the world of web3 is chaotic, decentalized and has a very steep learning curve. There is so many solutions, projects and terminologies that are niche, keep low-key profile and are hard to find information about.

Here comes Wall-3, the first of its kind fully decentralized home page for the web3 world. Its mission is to drive web3 adoption, categorize and organize knowledge about the web3 world.

Wall-3 is a big dashboard of block apps (bApps) which are decentalized, programmable blocks, created and rented out by web3 enthusiasts to web3 enthusiast and in the future governed by a DAO (to remove malicious actors and keep the content accurate).

So far in the prototype I implemented a couple of types of blocks:

  • A text block
  • An image block
  • A link block - leading to a subpage of Wall-3 (think recursively)
  • And a more advanced NFT minter block - an app that serves as a template and an example of how to develop bApps

I created a block App marketplace as well that is used to create and customize the bApps.

However, in the future the blocks (and groups of blocks) could be of various shapes and forms, like:

  • a DEX UI
  • a bridge UI
  • wallet UI
  • X (Twitter) summaries
  • Telegram UI
  • calendar for web3 events
  • maps of the web3 world
  • adverts for different web3 solutions
  • calendars and descriptions of different hackathons
  • dashboards of podcasts and videos about web3
  • novel social media platform
  • web3 wikipedia
  • etc.
  • an LLM/AI block that would let you search wall-3 and show derived path from the root, think the intersection of Google and Chat-GPT for web3

Basically the bApps can be programmed to do whatever people think is most needed, accurate and important to put up on the homepage.

The blocks can form groups. This means that more important concepts can take up more tiles than the less important ones. This is a great tool to quickly visualize the state of the web3 world (e.g. there could be a subpage with market capitalization etc.)

The link blocks will lead to thematic subpages - think tree-like structure of web3 knowledge. For example the main homepage could contain sublinks to "ZK", "Layer 1", "Layer 2" etc., however the governing DAO and people decide.

The further down the tree, the less important the things are and cost less money to rent out etc. We could even do it so that at some point you reach your personal wall-3 page, the public version as well as the private version accessible after confirming your IC identity.

I believe that with the correct execution of the Wall-3 idea this could become the replacement of Google, social media, Chat-GPT for the web3 world and not only. For this purpose we need to:

  • make sure that the governance system is quick, efortless and adaptive to changes of the Wall-3 structure
  • make sure that the block UI is as customizable as possible and provides a very smooth UX
  • make sure that the search and LLM functionality is implemented from day 1 (I believe these are crucial for smooth UX)


IC is a perfect fit for Wall-3 because of:

  • wallet-free experience - i.e. users much more willing to interact with Wall-3, especially the newcomers,
  • storage capacity and web app integration - never before in the history of web3 it was possible to create a site like this that would run in a fully decentralized manner.
  • ease of integration with different technologies and payment methods - IC's integration with BTC and ETH and the cross-chain communication abilities of IC set it apart as the most beginner friendly and comprehensive way of renting out and using bApps


Currently there is no charge for interacting with any of the below applications so you're welcome to try all of the features.

The features that work well and can be tested:

  • Open up Wall-3 homepage and take a look around
  • Currently the blocks are randomized at each refresh except the NFT blocks created in the bApp marketplace - these are saved on the backend, retrieved after each refresh and always in the same position once they are added.
  • To test the application fell free to click on any of the "+" buttons.
  • This will take you to the block app (bApp) marketplace
  • In the bApp marketplace click on the NFT app
  • This will open up a view to the NFT canister where you can create your own NFT collection.
  • Once you created the collection submit it to the Wall-3 storage using the text input below the NFT app
  • Clicking on the "Submit & Go Back" button will take you to the Wall-3 homepage once again
  • Here, after you wait a couple of seconds for the backend to refresh, you will see the block that you clicked on filled with a text inviting you to mint an NFT with the collection ID that you received earlier.
  • When you click on this, the NFT minting page of the NFT app will pop-up where you can mint your custom NFT
  • Remember that whatever NFT collection you submit it will stay there so be mindful what is the logo of your NFT collection ;)


https://jz25f-niaaa-aaaal-adtkq-cai.icp0.io/ - Wall-3

https://koirx-4qaaa-aaaal-adtca-cai.icp0.io/ - bApp marketplace

https://uxz2k-jyaaa-aaaal-adoia-cai.icp0.io/ - creating an NFT collection

https://uxz2k-jyaaa-aaaal-adoia-cai.icp0.io/mint?id=826798517 - minting an NFT


https://a4gq6-oaaaa-aaaab-qaa4q-cai.raw.icp0.io/?id=kjjxd-riaaa-aaaal-adtcq-cai - Wall-3 storage backend

https://a4gq6-oaaaa-aaaab-qaa4q-cai.raw.icp0.io/?id=wkeuc-2qaaa-aaaal-adohq-cai - NFT app backend

Running instructions

  1. dfx start --background
  2. cd frontend/<app> && npm install && npm run build && cd ../..
  3. ./deploy.zsh

Instructions after updating backend

  1. ./propagate_all_backend_updates.zsh - make sure all of the backend and frontend dependencies that you updated are listed there

YouTube walkthrough



  • the million dollar homepage
  • google
  • wikipedia

Plan for the future

  • clean-up codebase
  • add governing DAO
  • add renting system
  • add bApp voting system
  • create more template bApps
  • add subtree functionalities
  • create and calculate the financial model of the application
  • add search and LLM functionalities

Code documentation

  • backend/bapp_storage - code for the Wall-3 storage; written in Motoko
  • backend/bapp_storage_prototype - here I started coding up a bit more advanced approach that stored each bApp as an NFT. I will continue working on that but currently it's not being used; written in Motoko
  • backend/template - here is the back-end code for the NFT app; written in Motoko
  • frontend/wall3 - Next.js code of Wall-3
  • frontend/bapp-marketplace - Next.js code of the bApp marketplace
  • frontend/template - Next.js code of the NFT app