CheatASM is a utility to disassemble Atmosphere Cheat Codes into an assembly-like language for better reading/writing of them. Similarly it can reassemble the assembly-like language into the format supported by Atmosphere.
In order to run the software your machine must have the dotnetcore 2.2+ runtime installed. To build the project you need the have the SDK installed instead.
.NET Core downloads can be found here: (
If running from an official release, simply extract the archive for your architecture and run like any other commmand line utility.
For running from source, see the "Building" section below
11130000 56C04A6C 0000000A
01100000 56C04A6C 0000000A
lt.b [HEAP+0x56C04A6C], 0xA
mov.b [HEAP+R0+0x56C04A6C], 0xA
Here are some useful examples of how to use this utility (please see -h for a full listing of command line arguments)
CheatASM has 2 overall modes -d for disassembly and -a for assembly, you cannot specify both flags at the same time.
If no -o flag is provided CheatASM will output the result to stdout.
CheatASM -d -i 03fd1524e17a841c.txt
By providing an -o flag, the output will be writen to file
CheatASM -d -i 03fd1524e17a841c.txt -o 03fd1524e17a841c_asm.txt
CheatASM -a -i 03fd1524e17a841c_asm.txt -o 03fd1524e17a841c.txt
When specifying a directory for the -i flag a corresponding -o flag MUST be provided. If the -o flag specifies the same folder as -i the files will be overwritten.
CheatASM -d -r -i CheatsFolder -o CheatsDisassembled
CheatASM also allows for the dis/assembly of a opcode or assembly instruction directly using the -t parameter. If -o is not specified the result will be written to stdout, otherwise to the file specified by the -o parameter.
CheatASM -d -t "04010000 006C7634 0098967F"
CheatASM -a -t "mov.d [MAIN+R1+0x6C7634], 0x98967F"
The desire is for the assembly mnemonics to not be something you need to memorize or reference often. The aim is to be as intuitive as possible (assuming you have assembly exposure) and just let you write what you need. There are some general patterns that hte mnemonics follow:
command(bitwidth) param1, param2
Command can be something like "mov" or "add", BitWidth is one of the following: "b", "w", "d", "q" for Byte, Word, Dword, Qword respectively.
When using the more complex addressing modes the order that items should be specified is always MemoryType -> Register -> Literal value
Below you will find examples of every mnemonic supported by CheatASM. To find out what each opcode does, please reference the Atmosphere Cheat docs.
Moves 0x1234 to the QWORD at HEAP+R0+0x1234
mov.q [HEAP+R0+0x1234], 0x1234
Compares the byte at HEAP+0x1234 and enters the conditional block if it is less than 0x12.
lt.b [HEAP+0x1234], 0x12
Terminates a conditional block
loop R0, 0x23
endloop R0
Moves a static value into a register (bitwidth is always q)
mov R0, 0x1234
mov.q R0, 0x1234
Move a value from memory into a register
mov.b R0, [HEAP+0x1234]
mov.w R0, [R0+0x1234]
mov.q [R0], 0x1234
mov.q [R0], 0x1234 inc
mov.q [R0+R2], 0x1234
mov.q [R0+R2], 0x1234 inc
Supported arithmetic methods are add, sub, mul, lsh, rsh
add.q R0, 0x1234
Supported keys are: A, B, X, Y, LSP, RSP, L, R, ZL, ZR, PLUS, MINUS, LEFT, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LSL, LSU, LSR, LSD, RSL, RSU, RSR,RSD, SL, and SR
keycheck <key>
Supported arithmetic methods are add, sub, mul, lsh, rsh, and, or, not, xor, none
add.q R0, R1, R2
add.q R0, R1, 0x1234
Instructions taken from (
$ wget -q
$ sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
$ sudo add-apt-repository universe
$ sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install dotnet-sdk-2.2
$ git clone
$ cd CheatASM
$ dotnet publish -c Release -r linux-x64 --self-contained false
$ cd CheatASM/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.2/linux-x64/publish/
$ ./CheatASM -h
This project is licensed under the GNU Public License v2 License - see the file for details