
Quickly open commonly used chrome windows on mac with a quick script

Primary LanguagePython


Quickly open commonly used chrome windows on mac with a quick script


  1. install 'python' on your device (this is setup with python 3)
  2. install 'pyyaml' for parsing the config file
    pip install pyyaml or pip3 install pyyaml

That should do it!


  1. generate the executable
    -run npm run build
    -This will create the file "openwin.sh"
    -You can place this wherever you'd like. (I keep mine in my cli ~ directory)

  2. add windows you want to open to the config.yaml file

The below example will open a new window named Media with two tabs. One on youtube's homepage and the other on spotify's homepage.

Media Window:
  - Media
  - https://www.youtube.com/
  - https://open.spotify.com/
  1. Done!
    Run the "openwin.sh" using bash openwin.sh whenever you want to quickly open all of these windows!
    (make sure to navigate the cli to the directory you stored this "openwin.sh" in)