
A plugin that creates a custom post type, a few taxonomies and some meta information

Primary LanguagePHP

WordCamp Talks

A plugin that displays your WordCamp Talks on your WordPress Blog. Simply install and click on WordCamp Talks in the Left Nav menu. Add a new talk. Don't forget the metabox down at the bottom. Preview the talk, below the content you should see 3 links. Use the shortcodes if you want to.

Installation - WordPress Dashboard

  1. Download plugin
  2. Log into your WordPress Site
  3. Visit Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin > Choose File
  4. Locate the plugin .zip file
  5. Select .Zip file
  6. Click Install Now
  7. Activate WordCamp Talks Plugin
  8. Go to Settings > Permalinks and update your permalinks. You do not have to change the permalink structure. Simply click save changes. For what ever reasoning, new custom post types wont show on the front end unless you update the permalinks.

Installation - FTP Client

  1. Download plugin
  2. Unzip (Extract) plugin .zip file to folder location of your choice
  3. Open ftp client & connect to your WordPress Site
  4. Locate folder that the plugin resides in
  5. Upload Plugin folder to wp-content/plugins directory
  6. Log into to WordPress Dashboard
  7. Visit Plugins > Installed Plugins
  8. Activate WordCamp Talks Plugin
  9. Go to Settings > Permalinks and update your permalinks. You do not have to change the permalink structure. Simply click save changes. For what ever reasoning, new custom post types wont show on the front end unless you update the permalinks.

##Shortcodes [wordcamp-talks] //put this on a page to display all WordCamp Talks

The shortlinks below go inside of the post content and will not display on any other post/page.

[wc-presentation-url] //links to the presentation url
[wc-talk-video] //links to the presentation video
[wc-talk-url] //links to the session description

Hooks & Filters

This plugin has several actions (hooks and filters) that you can remove if you wish.

  1. add_action( 'init', 'create_wordcamp_talks_taxonomies', 0 ); //creates taxonomy called wordcamp-cities
  2. add_action( 'init', 'create_wordcamp_year_taxonomies', 0 ); //creates taxonomy called wordcamp-years
  3. add_shortcode('wc-presentation-url', 'get_custom_field_wc_talk_year'); //creates shortcode [wc-presentation-url]
  4. add_shortcode('wc-talk-video', 'get_custom_field_wc_talk_video'); //creates shortcode [wc-talk-video]
  5. add_shortcode('wc-talk-url', 'get_custom_field_wc_talk_url'); //creates shortcode [wc-talk-url]
  6. add_shortcode('wordcamp-talks', 'get_cpt_wc_talks'); //creates shortcode [wordcamp-talks]
  7. add_filter( 'the_content', 'wc_links_after_content' ); // adds metabox info after the content on a single post
  8. add_filter( 'the_content', 'wc_links_after_content_cpt_archive' ); //adds metabox info after the content on archive