
This is an API to manage a user persistence layer. Used technologies PHP, Simfony, Doctrine, MySQL, REST, JSON.

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

User RESTfull api


Build technologies:


  • Symfony framework
  • Doctrine ORM
  • MySQL database


Make sure you download all the dependencies (packages) required for the technology and set up the databases! Below are instructions on how to do this:

Manual Steps

  1. Clone or download project from https://github.com/KrasimiraGeorgieva/User-Rest-Api.git
  2. Go into the root directory of the project (where the bin folder resides)
  3. Make sure you’ve started your MySQL server (either from XAMPP or standalone)
  4. Open a shell / command prompt / PowerShell window in that directory (shift + right click --> open command window here)
  5. Enter the php composer.phar install or composer install command to restore its Composer dependencies (described in composer.json)
    • In case you have composer globaly and enter command composer install you have to provide parameters from parameters.yml manual
      • database_port - press Enter
      • database_name - press Enter
      • database_root - press Enter
      • database_password - press Enter or enter the password
      • mailer_transport - press Enter
      • mailer_host - press Enter
      • mailer_user - press Enter
      • mailer_password - press Enter
      • secret - press Enter
  6. Enter the php bin/console doctrine:database:create command
  7. Enter the php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force command
  8. Enter the php bin/console server:run (Windows OS) or php bin/console server:start (MAC OS) command
  9. Done!

Auto Steps

  1. Clone or download project from https://github.com/KrasimiraGeorgieva/User-Rest-Api.git
  2. Go into the root directory of the project (where the bin folder resides)
  3. Make sure you’ve started your MySQL server (either from XAMPP or standalone)
  4. Run init-db.bat file - for Windows OS
  5. Done!

Running Project Tests

  1. Make sure you’ve started your MySQL server (either from XAMPP or standalone).
  2. Open a shell / command prompt / PowerShell window in that directory (shift + right click --> open command window here) from root directory of the project (where the bin folder resides)
  3. Enter .\vendor\bin\phpunit or vendor\bin\phpunit tests command
  4. Done!


The User API can be used by Postman app.

Method | Route

|GET	|	/api/v1/users		|Retrieves a list of users
|POST	|	/api/v1/users		|Creates a new user
|GET	|	/api/v1/users/{id}	|Retrieves a specific user by id
|PUT	|	/api/v1/users/{id}	|Updates user by id
|DELETE	|	/api/v1/users/{id}	|Deletes user by id