
Primary LanguagePython



Name : /gene_suggest
Method : GET
Description : Get a list of genome display labels from ensembl database
Required Parameters :

  1. query
    Data Type : string
    Description : any valid string from the display labels
  2. species
    Data Type : string
    Description : any valid species name
  3. limit
    Data Type : integer
    Description : the number of suggestions to return


  1. For cloud based deployment various PaaS and IaaS providers support Django app deployment eg:- Heroku, PythonAnywhere, Amazon Web Services etc.
  2. For now, the application has been hosted on Heroku with free resources, since it is a POC.
  3. Scaling up with the increase in traffic can be solved by using load balancer and caching the most searched responses, in case the data is static otherwise, the one that requires most time to load.
  4. To view the working application with parameters set to 'brc', 'gorilla_gorilla' and 10 respectively click here.
  5. For deployment on heroku these steps were followed:
    • A Procfile with
      web: gunicorn ensembl.wsgi --log-file -
    • A requirements.txt file with all the requirements, including gunicorn and whitenoise, specifically required for heroku
      pip freeze > requirements.txt
    • Updating settings.py with
      STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'whitenoise.django.GzipManifestStaticFilesStorage'
    • On heroku dashboard create a new app and use Github as Deployment method
    • Connect the repository for the app
    • Deploy branch, if Automatic Deploys is enabled, Heroku automatically deploys on every push to the branch selected


  1. For testing tests.py is already loaded with 5 test cases. But Django TestCase can't be used as it requires read and write permissions to the database.
  2. POSTMAN can be used for api testing.