
The Repository of Kinx Packages

MIT LicenseMIT

Kinx Package Repository

This is a main central repository of Kinx Packages. If you want to add a package, please issue a pull request to add a JSON file of metadata under the packages folder.


Note that this site will be available with the Kinx version 1.1.0 or later.

About This Repository

This README.md and the packages.json file are automaticcaly generated by meta files under the packages folder. DO NOT modify manually this README.md and the packages.json file.

Package List

Here are published packages. Packages are indexed by alphabetical.


Key Short Description License
kacc Kacc - LALR(1) parser generator for Kinx.
This an LALR(1) parser generator with a lexical analyzer. You can start developing a parser with a lexer very quickly.
MIT License


Key Short Description License
typesetting Kinx Tiny Typesetting - Small and Easy, but Beautiful Design.
This is a very tiny typesetting system. It is for people who think that LaTeX and CSS typesetting system is too huge and complex.
MIT License


This repository is published under MIT License. Regarding each package, follow the license of the package.