This project is my first graphic project.
Using the X-Window API in C Minilibx I made a small 2D game and it was also my first game ever 😃.
I used my favorite cartoon when I was a kid as theme for the game. Hope you enjoy it!
- First thing you need to do is to clone this repository
git clone
- After cloning you need to compile it. Entering the so_long directory, you'll need to type make bonus
make bonus
- After compiling it, you are going to be able to find an binary called so_long_bonus, you just need to execute it with a map
./so_long_bonus maps/map_bonus.ber
Rules that need to be followed in order to your new map be valid:
- The map must contain at least 1 exit, 1 collectible, and 1 starting position.
- The map must be rectangular.
- The map must be closed/surrounded by walls.
- The map can be composed of only these 5 characters:
- 0 for an empty space,
- 1 for a wall,
- C for a collectible,
- E for a map exit,
- P for the player’s starting position.