Stories in Ready


A react-native app to find and post nearby street art.


  • Product Owner: Kelly Braun
  • Scrum Master: Kevin Sheehy
  • Development Team Members: Robin Dykema, Casey Billman, Ethan Fourie

Table of Contents

  1. Requirements
  2. Development
    1. Installing Dependencies
  3. Contributing



  • Node
  • React-native


  • XCode
  • Cocoapods


  • Android Studio


Installing Dependencies

From within the root directory:

npm install

Installing iOS dependencies:

Run the following command within the client/ios/ directory:

pod install

Running the database and server:

  1. Install docker.

  2. Start the neo4j/spatial container

docker run \
  -d \
  --publish=7474:7474 --publish=7687:7687 \
  --volume=$HOME/neo4j/data:/data \
  --volume=$HOME/neo4j/logs:/logs \
  --name=DB \

This will:

  • run the container in the background
  • expose ports 7474 and 7687 which are used to connect to the database
  • use the designated files for data and logs
  • name the container 'DB'
  • use the image klaw/neo4j-spatial image - it will download the image if it is not found on your computer

Note: if this is your first time running with this directory you will need to log into the database, change the default password, and update config.js with this information.

Other usefull docker commands: docker ps - show running containers docker ps -a - show all containers docker stop DB - stop the 'DB' container docker start DB - start the 'DB' container

  1. Start the server

From within the server directory npm start


View the project roadmap here


See for contribution guidelines.