Accessibility study


$ npm start

Open http://localhost:8989. That it.

  • angularjs is served from CDN
  • ngAria is replaced by klm-aria.js which is included in this package and fixes compatibility with Angular 1.2.x.
  • ngMessages is served from CDN and works fine on both Angular 1.4.x and 1.2.x.
    • IE8 requires Array.indexOf to be polyfilled for this to work. Polyfill included.


  • Accessibility may also need UX input -- what practices give disabled users a good user experience with the tools they use? This requires experience with the tools. Examples may be a good starting point.

  • aria-live attribute is read by screen reader as soon as a change is detected

  • aria-live changes on multiple elements will not read all changes if changes occur at the same time

  • tabindex="-1" is required for a div to be able to receive focus in Chrome (value may differ)

  • aria-live on a div is enough for Safari to allow focus

  • tabindex marks content as role=group and changes screen reader behaviour

  • display: hidden is excluded from screen readers

  • content clipped using css clip is still focusable and interferes with tab order for non-disabled users

  • tabindex="0" follows default tab order

  • numbered tabindex (i.e. > 0) is a bad idea as it is not relative but global, so to speak. If current focus is halfway down the DOM, and tabindex of the next anchor is set to 1, you will actually skip it since you're already at index 50 or so.

  • nested tab indices do not seem to be supported out of the box

  • marking an input with an error using aria-describedby gives the user feedback about an error when focusing on a form field (needs some idle time for the screen reader to use this)

  • marking an input with an error using aria-labeledby next to the original label gives the user immediate feedback about an error when focusing on a form field

  • Angular things

    • ng-messages works on angular 1.2 but is broken in IE8. Polyfilling Array.indexOf seems to fix this.
    • ng-aria works on angular 1.2 if the required parser is fixed, currently checks for ngModel.$validators.required which is angular 1.3+, errors on absence of ngModel.$validators. When skipping this $validators check (which is pointless anyway) it runs fine. Pull request created.
      • for now a patched version (klm-aria.js) is added to the repo, which very likely will be the way to go for ng1.2.x.


  • Angular Material uses ng-messages to implement on the fly error feedback for screen readers, however no notification is given when the field changes from valid to invalid, is this an issue?
  • Angular's ng-messages sets aria-invalid="true" on fields with required even though Mozilla says that shouldn't be done until input is dirty