Employee Tracker - CLI

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Technologies
  3. Challenges
  4. Future Implementations
  5. User Story
  6. Demonstration
  7. Installation
  8. License


Developers frequently have to create interfaces that allow non-developers to easily view and interact with information stored in databases. These interfaces are called content management systems (CMS). This project entails building a command-line application from scratch to manage a company's employee database, using Node.js, Inquirer, and MySQL.



  • Utilizing correct syntax withing SQL database
  • Using correct schema pathing withing SQL
  • Using .env files to sanitize data

Future Implentation

  • Allow users to update employee managers - IN PROGRESS
  • Allow users to view employees by manager - IN PROGRESS
  • Allow users to view employees by department - IN PROGRESS
  • Allow users to delete departments/roles/employees - IN PROGRESS
  • Allow users to view total utilized budget of a department ie: the combined salaries of all employees in that department - IN PROGRESS

User Story

AS A business owner
I WANT to be able to view and manage the departments, roles, and employees in my company
SO THAT I can organize and plan my business


Demonstration imgage A video demonstration may be found HERE


  • For installation onto local machine, clone provided repository.
  • Use npm init to initalize node package manager
  • Use npm install to install dependencies.
  • Use node index.js to initiate the server in your terminal.


MIT © Krenbot