Tech Blog


Writing about tech can be just as important as making it. Developers spend plenty of time creating new applications and debugging existing codebases, but most developers also spend at least some of their time reading and writing about technical concepts, recent advancements, and new technologies. A simple Google search for any concept covered in this course returns thousands of think pieces and tutorials from developers of all skill levels!

My motivation was to build a CMS-style blog site similar to a Wordpress site, where developers can publish their blog posts and comment on other developers’ posts as well. I built this site completely from scratch and deployed it to Heroku. It follows the MVC paradigm in its architectural structure, uses Handlebars.js as the templating language, Sequelize as the ORM, and the express-session npm package for authentication.

Table of Contents

  1. Technologies
  2. Challenges
  3. Future Implementations
  4. User Story
  5. Demonstration
  6. Installation
  7. License


  • nodejs - to run the server in the terminal
  • mysql2 - database management
  • dotenv - to hide sensitive user data
  • sequelize - data modeling/associations
  • Postman - seeing routed data


  • Combining front end and back end.
  • Testing changes in Postman
  • Learning handlebars useage

Future Implementation

  • 3rd party website implmentation
  • Upvotes/downvotes
  • User reviews
  • Attached forum

User Story

AS A developer who writes about tech
I WANT a CMS-style blog site
SO THAT I can publish articles, blog posts, and my thoughts and opinions


Here is a video link of the app in action


  • For installation onto local machine, clone provided repository.
  • Use npm init to initalize node package manager
  • Use npm install to install dependencies
  • Use mysql -u root -p then enter your password to enter the MySQL shell.
  • Use SOURCE db/schema.sql; inside of the MySQL shell to reset the database.
  • Use npm run seed in the terminal to apply seeds to the database.
  • Use npm start to initiate the server in your terminal.


MIT © Krenbot