Application name


  • Koa HTTP server
  • axios - HTTP client
  • rollbar - Error tracking

Environment variables

Locally listed in .env file.

  • ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN - Rollbar access token
  • NODE_ENV - Node environment (e.g. production or development)
  • PORT - Port to listen on (default: 3000)


Deployment is done via GitHub Actions. The deployment script is located in the .github/workflows/deploy.yml file. Environment variables and secrets should be configured in the GitHub repository settings: Settings -> Secrets and variables -> Actions.

Access setup

  1. On the server generate SSH key pair: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f github-actions (without passphrase).
  2. This will produce two files: github-actions (private key) and (public key) in the ~/.ssh folder.
  3. Add the public key content to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the server.
  4. Add the private key content to the SERVER_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY secret in the GitHub repository settings.


  • SERVER_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY - SSH private key for the deployment server.
  • ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN - Rollbar access token


  • PROJECT_PATH - Project path on the server (e.g. /var/www/application-name)
  • SERVER_USERNAME - username on the deployment server (e.g. root)
  • SERVER_HOST - hostname of the deployment server
  • PORT - Port to listen on (default: 3000)