TBA4251, Programming in Geomatics


This vector based web Geographic Information System is developed as a project in the course "Programming in Geomatics" at NTNU. The aim of the course is to combine computer science with knowledge of geographic information systems. The subject is self-tought, and is a chance to experience a process of developing a web application and a geographic information system from start to end. The process involves everything form the choice of technology to design and implementation.


In this project, my focus have been on making a geographic information system that are easy to use and with a nice user interface. The application may be used on any device, PC as well as a mobile phone (I have not been able to test the application on Apple-products, and can therefore not guarantee full compatibility for these kind of devices).



  • Change color, opacity and name of layer
  • Download layer
  • Delete layer
  • Hide and view layer
  • Zoom/pan to layer
  • Change layer order
  • Spatial operations
    • Buffer
    • Union
    • Intersect
    • Difference

How to use:


Most of the magic happens in Geometry.js and in Main.js
