Docker hot-swap demo

This is application, that allows updating Dockerfile from browser, displaying container "homepage" with Java version number and displaying logs from the host.


  • Meteor

###Run the application

  • vagrant ssh
  • cd /vagrant
  • sudo ./
  • sudo ./
  • cd /vagrant/frontend
  • meteor run


To demostrate the Java version hot-swap functionality, follow these steps:

  • go to http://localhost:3000/, you can see Dockerfile contents, container homepage displaying the currently running Java version and logs from the container
  • update the Dockerfile jdk tag to quintenk/jdk-oracle:8 or quintenk/jdk-oracle:7
  • click "Update Dockerfile!" button and watch the logs
  • when the console reads demoapp is running again, reload the container homepage
  • voilĂ , the Java version has updated and it literally took seconds!