My Veggie Eats...
- Register a new user by entering the name, email, and password and then "sign up."
- Login in with an email and password, and log out in the same modal.
- The map auto fills vegetarian restaurants with Houston at its center.
- Click +Tab to enter in information for a saved tab. Three tabs are available.
- All information is saved to Firebase under the email and password used for registering.
- Click an avocado to get its information on the right side.
Built With
- JavaScript - Makes it interactive
- JQuery - Handles events
- CSS - Makes it pretty
- Materialize - Makes it responsive
- Firebase - Holds information in its database
- Carolyn Vasisko - vasisko
- Cody Sherrod - csherrod
- Kris Acker Bierma - KrisBierma
- Ozair Khan - OzairK
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details