Plantos is a schduler for watering your plants. Search for plants in our database or enter in your own and each plant's water needs are set into your scheudule to send you reminders. Never forget your plants again!
Build With
- JavaScript - Makes it interactive
- Node - Executes JavaScript server-side
- Express - Web framework for Node.js
- NPM Packages - Small packages of reuseable code that pack a big punch (express, body-parser, express-handlebars, mysql, sequelize, moment)
- MySQL - Database
- Sequelize - ORM for Node.js
- Passport - User authentication
- Moment.js - Calculating time
- Handlebars - Templating language
- Heroku - Deployment
- Andreina Keller - coolcaliente
- D M Fletcher - DMFletcher
- Kris Acker Bierma - KrisBierma
- Paul Hodde - phodde12
- William Cotton - wcotton229
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details